are aloe vera plants poisonous to cats

However, aloe is dangerous for cats. Although cats usually will not die from ingesting aloe, it can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea, which may lead to dangerous levels of dehydration if left untreated for too long.

Treatment of True Aloe Poisoning in Cats

Your cat will receive symptomatic care from your veterinarian, who will also provide support while your cat starts to heal from his symptoms. The veterinarian may need to induce vomiting in order to get rid of any remaining aloe plant from your cat’s system. After your cat has completely cleared his stomach of any plant matter, activated charcoal may be administered to him. This helps to neutralize any toxins that may still be in his digestive system. Once neutralized, they will pass through your cat’s intestines without incident.

If your cat has become dehydrated, he might require intravenous fluids. Another option is to administer oxygen therapy, which raises the oxygen content in all body organs.

Diagnosis of True Aloe Poisoning in Cats

It’s critical that you take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible after realizing he has aloe poisoning. Your veterinarian will examine your cat thoroughly and obtain a complete medical history while they have them on the exam table.

Cut a sample of the aloe plant from your home and place it in a plastic bag for your veterinarian if you know your cat has eaten from it. To confirm that the aloe is the cause of your cat’s extreme illness, your veterinarian should test the plant.

During the diagnostic procedure, your veterinarian will draw blood for testing and collect a urine sample. She might also get your cat X-rayed to make sure there isn’t any illness or organ damage. Inform your veterinarian if you have given your cat aloe for medicinal purposes, particularly if you discover that the aloe still has latex on it.

Causes of True Aloe Poisoning in Cats

Since true aloe contains saponins such as glycosides, anthracene, and anthraquinones, your cat should not consume it. True aloe’s toxic component is its white latex, not the gelatin the leaves contain.

The saponins in real aloe help your cat’s colon produce more mucus and water. This leads to him developing abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Invest in an aloe product without latex if you plan to apply it on your pets. The poison and irritant in the aloe is the latex, which affects both you and your cat.


Is aloe plants toxic to pets?

Used as a topical gel in conventional medicine, aloe vera is one of many poisonous plants for dogs. When eaten by dogs, aloe vera can cause mild to moderate bouts of toxicity. Side effects may include vomiting, lethargy, depression, tremors and change in urine.

Is aloe vera safe to put on cats?

There is a lot of misinformation going around about aloe vera being toxic to pets. The green, outer leaves of the plant can be toxic to animals if ingested, causing vomiting, especially in cats, but the inner gel is perfectly safe for topical and internal use.

Is aloe vera a poisonous plant?

Aloe is an extract from the aloe plant. It is used in many skin care products. Aloe poisoning occurs when someone swallows this substance. However, aloe is not very poisonous.

Are succulents toxic to cats?

One of the struggles of owning pets and plants is creating a space that’s safe for both. Fortunately, most succulents are completely harmless to animals. Additionally, most animals instinctively avoid eating succulents. They just don’t smell or taste very appetizing.