where does the saying cats have 9 lives

William Shakespeare refers to the nine lives myth in his play Romeo and Juliet. There is also an ancient proverb that claims, “A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays and for the last three he stays.” Some people believe the nine lives myth is related to cats’ ability to always land on their feet.

Why do we say cats have nine lives?

One of the most nimble, intelligent, and independent pets available is a cat. Specifically, cats are able to endure falls that would easily cause a human’s death, which may help to explain the origin of the myth that cats have nine lives. In one recorded instance, a pet cat in New York City made it through a 32-story fall with only very minor wounds. This remarkable anatomy of cats allows them to survive in the face of great adversity:

  • Because of their evolutionary heritage, many wild cat species still reside in trees. Their ability to withstand falling or springing from a height has been developed over millions of years.
  • They have an amazing “righting reflex,” which allows them to turn their bodies as they fall and land firmly on all four feet.
  • Due to their large body surface area relative to their weight, cats also land with less force.
  • Additionally, they have very flexible bones and ligaments, which reduces the amount of damage that impacts can do to them.

Helping Your Cat Make the Best of It’s Life

where does the saying cats have 9 lives

Taking good care of your cat is the first step toward ensuring that she stays happy and healthy because your cat only has one life to live, so you should help them make the most of it! Here are some pointers and easy reminders of basic cat care that you can do, even though every cat is unique and there isn’t always a “one-size-fits-all” solution for every cat:

  • Frequent Vet Check-Ups: Make sure you schedule regular trips to the vet for your cat, even if they’re just routine examinations. Make sure you’re keeping your cat’s immunizations up to date as well.
  • Don’t Overfeed: If you don’t pay attention to your cat’s diet, they could easily gain weight. Consult your veterinarian for advice on the right diet for your particular cat. Although occasionally enjoying treats is fun, make sure you don’t overindulge.
  • Provide Clean Water: Make sure your cat has access to clean water at all times, as well as to water. Also, make sure your cat stays hydrated. A water fountain can be a good idea for cats who don’t seem to be interested in their water bowl at first!
  • Daily Grooming: Using the right tools will help you get the most out of your grooming sessions and keep your cat’s coat tangle-free and clean. Regular brushing also helps prevent hairballs!
  • Maintain a Clean Litter Box: Cleaning your cat’s litter box on a regular basis will allow you to determine whether their stool is anything to be concerned about, in addition to keeping it from stinking up the house.
  • Playtime: Lastly, but just as important, playtime helps cats both mentally and physically. Make sure you give them lots of toys and other playthings so they can get some exercise and have fun!

Why the Number 9?

Nine was regarded as a magical number in Egypt, Greece, and China. Some cultures, however, have given cats a different number of lives. For instance, myths about cats having six lives are common in some Middle Eastern cultures, but in some Spanish-speaking nations, the cat is said to have seven lives.

Clearly, the myth of cats having nine lives is untrue. Cats, like all other animals, have only one life. This myth might have endured because cats appear to be able to avoid harm and accidents with ease, emerging unscathed and unfazed. This is a result of the “air-righting” reflex that cats possess. This implies that they have the ability to twist and move their bodies while in the air to help them land safely on their feet. Perhaps you’ve also heard the proverb “cats always land on their feet.” Although it’s not always the case, cats do land on their feet the majority of the time. They don’t always escape falls unscathed, but their chances of surviving falls are higher than those of other animals.


Where did 9 lives come from cats?

Atum-Ra, a sun god, who assumed a feline form when he visited the underworld, gave life to four gods who, in turn, produced another four, known collectively as the Ennead. The Egyptians regarded Atum-Ra, the cat god, as the embodiment of nine lives in one form.

What does a cat has nine lives mean?

to keep managing to get out of difficult or dangerous situations without being hurt or harmed. I think this is probably going to be the end, although he has shown he is a political cat with far more than nine lives.

Is it 7 or 9 lives for cats?

It is just that, though: a myth. In various parts of the world, cats have different numbers of lives. In the UK or USA, for example, it is generally recognized that cats have nine lives. Head to Spain, Brazil, Greece, or Germany, however, and they only have seven.

How many lives does a cat have in real life?

Other cultures believe cats have multiple lives, but the number isn’t always nine. Some Spanish-speaking areas believe cats have seven lives, while Arabic and Turkish mythology give cats six lives. Each cat has only one life to live, despite their amazing agility, flexibility, resilience and righting reflex.