where is a cat’s bladder located

Expressing while the cat is lying down

This method is primarily applied to cats that are paraplegic or have poor posture, which can result in a loss of bladder control. To successfully apply this method, your cat must be lying down on a level surface.

Verify that the cat is lying on the side; the side doesn’t matter. The cat will not be familiar with this procedure, so allow him as much time as possible. Although it is a little more difficult than the Ragdoll method, there is a very good chance of success.

As soon as your cat is on a level surface, make sure to reassure him so he doesn’t feel compelled to do anything. By doing this, you can gain your cat’s trust and he will allow you to express him the next time.

After the feline has calmed down, place a hand on its back. Locate the bladder beneath the cat’s body with your other hand. After locating the bladder, create a cup with your hand and encircle it.

Now gently squeeze and push towards the bottom. Do this until the cat starts to pee.

What Is a Urinary Tract Blockage in Cats?

Since the urethra is the section of the urinary tract where the obstruction has occurred, the medical term for urinary tract blockage is urethral obstruction. It’s also sometimes called a “blocked cat.” Whatever the term, an obstruction of the urinary tract means that your pet is unable to empty their bladder.

Urine is produced in both kidneys in a normal cat anatomy, and it then travels to the bladder through each kidney’s ureter. When a pet needs to go potty, the urine exits the bladder through the urethra, passing through the vulva in females and the penis in males, and out the other side. Because the male urethra is thinner than the female one and more prone to blockage, urinary blockage mostly affects male cats.

Life-threatening effects from this blockage include hazardous electrolyte abnormalities, which can damage the heart and lead to renal failure and bladder rupture (tear). Cat urinary tract blockages are medical emergencies, and any cat that may have a blockage should be examined by a veterinarian right away.

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