are bengal cats really hypoallergenic

Bengals have made the top 10 most hypoallergenic cat list for many reasons. Most people who are allergic to cats have either no allergic reaction or a more milder reaction to Bengal cats when compared to the majority of other breeds.

Signs you might be allergic to your Bengal cat

Bengals rarely cause allergies, but if you’ve had allergic reactions to cats in the past or are a first-time parent, you should exercise caution. You should spend some time (at least 24 hours) with Bengal cats before obtaining one to see if you have any reactions.

My cuddles are being impeded by your sneezing, booman! Get over it!

Extreme symptoms are possible, particularly if you have chronic bronchitis or asthma. See the table below for the most typical symptoms of allergies:

Mild symptoms

Extreme symptoms

  • Sneezing and a runny nose
  • Red, watery, and itchy eyes
  • Itchy nose and throat
  • Cough
  • Facial pressure
  • Restless sleep
  • Swollen under-eyes
  • Hives with swelling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Wheezing sound while exhaling
  • Trouble sleeping due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Severe skin rash

Personal habits and hygiene

No matter how cute your Bengal cat is, you have to find a way to limit their exposure if you have allergies. You should:

  • It may be difficult to resist giving your cat kisses and cuddles because Bengals are amiable and loving, but it’s important.
  • Wash your hands after petting or grooming your furry friend
  • Train them to stay out of your bedroom
  • You can train them to relieve themselves outside or assign someone else to clean their litter box.

If you follow these precautions and your allergies still flare up, you will need to take medication. The best course of action is to speak with your doctor, particularly if you intend to use allergy shots, decongestants, or antihistamines for an extended length of time.

Keeping your environment clean is crucial to reducing allergy symptoms. It’s imperative to keep your home clean, both inside and out—this includes the surfaces and air. Make sure to:

  • Employ an air purification system—Investing in a system like HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) can help you swiftly remove these particles since Fel d1 is airborne and tends to linger for a while. Refrain from using standard fans and air conditioners in rooms that your cat frequents.
  • Regularly clean all surfaces: Every day, cat parents who have allergies need to give their home a thorough cleaning. You need to clean every surface, including carpets, furniture, and clothing, as allergens can adhere to them. Use microfiber cleaning materials because fur clings to them well. Eliminating drapes and rugs from your home is another method to stop Fel d1 from building up there.

The drapes can go, but my rug stays!

Taking good care of your Bengal will prolong their life, improve their health, and prevent allergies. Pay attention to:

  • Grooming: While less frequent grooming is required for Bengals than for other breeds, brushing and wiping them down with a damp cloth will stop loose dander from getting into your house.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet keeps your Bengal’s skin hydrated and of high quality overall. Your nose will finally have a break when you feed your feline an excellent diet rich in animal protein, which will prevent dry and flaky skin.

Juggling Bengal cats and allergies—is it possible?

Adopting a Bengal cat should not be too difficult for those with milder symptoms. Antihistamines like cetirizine and levocetirizine can be used to treat low-intensity allergies. You can probably skip medications if you take the right care and safety measures.

Those with more severe symptoms are advised by doctors not to live with cats. Extended exposure can cause excruciating pain and, in the worst situations, anaphylactic shock. It would be risky to share your space with a cat because the only way to protect yourself from the allergen is to avoid contact with it.

You’ll need to adjust on three different levels in order to facilitate the most comfortable coexistence between you and your feline:

  • Personal habits and hygiene
  • Environmental conditions
  • Feline care


Are Bengal cats OK for people with allergies?

Bengals are excellent companions to allergy-prone people, but there are no fully hypoallergenic cats. So, the answer to the question “Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?” is no. The good news is that they are less likely to cause allergies than other kitties, such as Maine Coons, Persians, and Norwegian Forest cats.

Are Bengals truly hypoallergenic?

Bengals are a breed of cat that is considered low- to medium-risk for allergens. These cats produce a typical amount of Fel d 1 and average shedding, although their short, silky coat makes for easy grooming. In summary: The Bengal cat is a good—but not great—option for people who have allergies.

Are any cats 100% hypoallergenic?

While there are no hypoallergenic cats, there are some breeds that produce less dander (shedding of fur and skin) and protein than others.