are blue tailed lizards poisonous to cats

Though no scientific evidence states definitively that blue-tailed skinks are toxic to cats, it’s best to discourage Missy from snacking on these critters.

Little whirly lizards with black and cream stripes fascinate most cats, if not all of them, and many of them exhibit a strong desire to chase them, just like they would any small, swiftly moving object. Although it’s been observed that cats can catch and consume lizards without any obvious negative effects, the Southern stereotype that “poor as a lizard-eating cat” implies that lizards aren’t at the top of the cat’s food chain. Some cats steer clear of adult skinks, most likely because they were nipped by lizards defending themselves.

A number of symptoms, such as hypersalivation, vomiting, fever, appetite loss, loss of coordination, and even death, are commonly associated with eating lizards. However, Platynosomum concinnum, a liver fluke, is blamed for a severe infestation of “lizard poisoning” syndrome according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

Before making any changes to your pet’s diet, medication, or exercise regimen, always consult your veterinarian. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

As a hatchling, the five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus) has a vivid blue tail. Most people assume that this brightly colored appendage is poisonous or at the very least toxic. Some people mistakenly think that the tail’s blue hue indicates that it is poisonous, while others mistakenly think that it has a stinger. Some believers claim that lizards are poisoned in both their skin and flesh, while detractors laugh at the idea altogether and claim that their pets regularly eat lizards without suffering any negative consequences. There are other reasons why a cat might exhibit neurological symptoms like drooling and excitability besides consuming lizard tails.

In the Southeast of the United States, there is a persistent public belief that the five-lined skink, also known as the “blue-tailed lizard,” is poisonous to cats. Meanwhile, opinions on this matter continue to differ among the veterinary and scientific communities. Don’t say nuffin to the lizard resembling the Tar Baby with its vivid blue tail.

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I always thought it was a myth. The vet said she must have gotten a skink. She keeps falling and her eyes are constantly moving back and forth. She is now receiving medication at the vet for two days. Is this a temporary issue for cats, or is it a lifelong issue? Sponsored


Is a blue tail lizard poisonous?

Notes: The blue-tailed young of five-lined, southeastern five-lined, and broadhead skinks are widely referred to as “scorpions” and are believed to have a venomous sting. While this belief is completely false, some scientists speculate that these skinks are bad-tasting to many predators.

Are lizards poisonous for cats?

Both dogs and cats are known to catch and eat lizards. Cats can be affected by a parasitic liver fluke due to eating a lizard. Lizards can harbor bacteria that puts dogs and cats at risk of infection. To prevent cats from eating lizards, keep them indoors and secure your patio doors.

What if my cat ate a blue tongue lizard?

What to Do When Your Pet Eats a Lizard. If you know or suspect that your pet ate a toxic or parasite-carrying variety of lizard or toad, contact your vet immediately. Due to the potential threat of liver flukes, it’s wise to always consult your vet if your cat eats a lizard — regardless of the species.

Why don’t cats eat lizard tails?

For a cat, a lizard would be quite a large thing to try to digest so if Ace did eat it, she may have difficulty breaking it down into her system and this could cause an obstruction in her digestive systemOn the other hand, lizards do drop their tails when in danger or if its been caught by a predator so its also very …