are carrots good for cats

Carrots are a safe vegetable to feed your cat. Even though cats are obligate carnivores, they can still consume carrots which are just as nutritious for them as they are for us.

Can cats eat carrots?

Yes, carrots are safe for cats to eat. Sometimes, cats can benefit from a small amount of cooked carrot. The vivid orange color of these veggies is caused by the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is abundant in them. Cats benefit greatly from the conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A (and humans) Vitamins K and E, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, dietary fiber, and folate are also found in carrots.

While cats may benefit from these nutrients, it should be noted that carrots lack protein, which is one essential nutrient that our feline friends require. Vegetables cannot give cats all the essential nutrients they need to survive because they are obligate carnivores. While a small amount of carrots shouldn’t harm your cat’s health, vegetables aren’t part of their natural diet. Therefore, you cant substitute them for protein-based meals.

Can Cats Eat Carrots?

The short answer is, “Yes, but…” According to PetMD, carrots and some other vegetables are safe for your pet to eat. However, vegetables are not part of a cat’s natural carnivorous diet. Having too much sugar (yes, even natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables) in a cat’s diet can cause digestive or diabetic issues over time. They also should never be used as a meal replacement as they lack necessary components of a well-rounded feline diet.

More interestingly, cats lack taste receptors for sweetness, as Scientific American explains. If you’re expecting your cat to enjoy the sweetness of a carrot, they won’t be reacting the way you’d hope. They may respond positively to the texture though, as they do with many types of vegetables and grains.

On WebMD, experts suggest steaming vegetables in general before serving them to your cat, though an occasional raw veggie won’t hurt.

How to safely serve carrots to cats

Carrots are safe for cats to eat in moderation, but it’s still advisable to prepare them carefully to reduce the chance of problems.

  • Before serving, wash and peel any vegetable to get rid of any dirt or pesticides that may have been used during growth.
  • Always serve cooked carrots (boiled, steamed, or baked). Carrots should not be given raw because they are hard for cats to digest and may cause digestive problems. When cooking the carrot, dont dress it up with anything. For example, dairy products can upset your cat’s stomach, garlic and onions can be toxic to cats, and butter has more fat than your cat needs.
  • Even if the carrot is cooked, cut it into small pieces to make it easier for cats to eat and lower their chance of choking.
  • Because vegetables aren’t a natural or essential part of a cat’s diet, only occasionally offer carrots to them.


How much carrot can a cat eat?

Cats can safely consume carrots as long as they are cooked and sliced into small pieces to reduce the risk of choking. Be sure to feed carrots in moderation as larger amounts could cause GI upset, obesity, and diabetes. Don’t forget that cats are carnivorous animals and need meat to survive.

Why do cats love carrots?

Felines can’t taste the subtle sweetness in a carrot because they lack sweetness taste receptors in their tongues. However, they might be attracted to the faint aroma, texture, or other flavors in the orange veggie.

What vegetables can I feed my cat?

It’s not uncommon for cats to hate vegetables, so they may simply turn their nose up when presented with one. However, if your feline enjoys an odd veggie snack, they do offer lots of vitamins, fibre and water. A few safe vegetables cats can eat are: cucumber, steamed broccoli, carrots and asparagus and peas.

Why can’t cats have raw carrots?

Raw carrots aren’t toxic to cats, but vets recommend against feeding raw carrots to cats because they’re a lot tougher to eat and digest. Cats can’t chew things up as well as people can, so carrots can be a choking hazard for your cat.