are cast iron plants toxic to cats

Despite the common fear that houseplants and cats are a toxic mix, this resilient greenery defies the stereotype. Non-toxic to cats, Cast Iron Plants can share your space without posing a threat to curious paws and noses.

Precautions to Take Even With Safe Plants

Despite the cast iron plant’s non-toxicity, any kind of vegetation your cat eats could make their stomach feel uneasy. Because a cat’s digestive system isn’t designed to handle plant matter, if your cat nibbles on your cast iron plant, it could cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Inquisitive felines may also topple a cast iron plant kept indoors, breaking its glass or ceramic pot into sharp fragments. Before using any fertilizers or pesticides, make sure to read the labels carefully because many of them are toxic to cats.

Another thing that could harm your cast iron plant is if your cat digs, chews, or scratches the soil around it. Try to talk your cat out of bothering the plant for their own safety. Consider putting the cast iron plant out of your cat’s reach or in a room they aren’t allowed in if your cat is known to destroy plants.

All About the Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron plant, Aspidistra elatior, also known as the iron plant and bar room plant, is a slow-growing evergreen native to Japan and China. You might be surprised to learn that this plant is a member of the Lily family, most species of which may be deadly to cats if eaten. According to the ASPCA, however, the cast iron plant is non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses.

Cast iron plants grow up to two feet tall with dark green, pointed leaves when grown outdoors. They are also well-liked houseplants because, even for the most novice gardeners, they are incredibly resilient and understanding. There are two other non-toxic varieties of cast iron plants: one with striped leaves and the other with spotted leaves.

are cast iron plants toxic to cats

But it will also thrive in medium to bright indirect light

Although cast iron plants are most known for their capacity to thrive in low light conditions, they can also thrive in settings with medium to bright indirect light. They must be kept at least a few feet away from windows and the temperature must be constant if they are placed in a room with lots of natural light because they will not tolerate being scorched. Their foliage will burn from the intense, direct light and heat combined. Keep in mind that Cast Iron Plants housed in areas with bright, indirect light will make better use of the water they receive because they will be photosynthesizing more quickly. More light equals more water, but the reverse is also true.


Is a cast iron plant safe for cats?

Many tropical plants have some degree of toxicity. It’s simply an evolutionary trait acquired to deter animals from feasting on them. But the Cast Iron Plant is an exception to the rule: it is entirely non-toxic and safe for pets, children and anyone else who might be tempted to eat a houseplant.

Does cast iron plant purify air?

Cast iron plants are great air purifiers. Cast Iron plants are non-toxic to people and animals. Cast Iron plants are fine with irregular watering, so don’t fret too hard! Allow soil to dry between waterings.

Are cast iron plants poisonous to humans?

The Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) stands out as a paragon of safety in the realm of houseplants. Scientific studies consistently affirm its non-toxicity to humans. This hardy species, with its leathery leaves, has been given a clean bill of health, making it a worry-free addition to any indoor space.