are cats allergic to chrysanthemums


Another vibrant flower you’ve surely seen on your quarantine-inspired walks, Chrysanthemums are mildly toxic to cats. What’s interesting is that they contain pyrethrins, which is an ingredient in many dog flea and tick medications that is particularly poisonous to cats.

Keeping Cats Away from Toxic Plants

Keeping a cat away from all poisonous plants is not always possible, particularly if your cat lives outside. But don’t worry—less than 10,000 cases occur annually, and most of them are not fatal. Because of their innate instincts, cats are aware of when to avoid plants that smell toxic. These plants are not tasty either, and it takes more than a lick or a tiny bite to cause serious issues.

Despite this, you should still prevent your cat from approaching poisonous plants. If you have these poisonous plants, you can keep your cat away from them by mixing a vinegar and soap solution and misting your plants and garden area with it. The pungent aromas will make your inquisitive feline reconsider its next nibble from your former garden.

What is Mum Plant Poisoning?

Most of the time, cats do not become seriously poisoned by mum plants. However, gastrointestinal distress could happen if your cat eats the mum plant. To ease your cat’s discomfort, take it to the veterinarian as soon as you can.

Cats are severely poisoned by the common garden plant known as the mum plant, or chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums come in a variety of species, and they are all poisonous to cats. The mum plant is easily identified by its shrub-like form and hundreds of purple or yellow flowers. Several chemicals found in mum plants, such as pyrethrins, sesquiterpene, and lactones, are toxic to cats.

Mum Plant Poisoning Average Cost

From 471 quotes ranging from $100 – $300

Treatment of Mum Plant Poisoning in Cats

When treating mild cases of mum poisoning in cats, treatment is usually simple and follows the same guidelines as when treating plant poisoning in domestic animals. To help your cat’s stomach rid itself of undigested toxins, your veterinarian might make them throw up. It is possible to use activated charcoal to absorb any leftover toxins in the stomach. For the majority of cases of plant poisoning, intravenous fluid therapy is advised to address fluid imbalances. Medication may be given to cats who vomit frequently in order to control their vomiting.

There is no antidote currently available for mum poisoning. But since poisoning is typically mild, mum poisoning can usually be adequately treated with the above listed treatment approaches. In the extremely unlikely case that your cat has severe poisoning, your veterinarian will advise further care based on their symptoms.


What flower is poisonous to cats?

Which flowers are toxic to cats? Various flower varieties are hazardous to your cat. Common blooms like peonies, daffodils and tulips can be harmful if they eat them, and lilies should always be avoided.

Are cats allergic to fall mums?

Considered mildly toxic to dogs, cats, and horses, mums are by far one of the most popular fall flowers. If consumed, you may see vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, incoordination, and dermatitis in these animals.

Do cats know to stay away from toxic plants?

Generally, cats will stay away from plants that will harm them, but sometimes curiosity and boredom get the better of them and they might nibble on your plants. Consumption of poisonous plants can cause a range of symptoms from vomiting to serious illness and even death in some cases.

What happens if a cat eats a mum plant?

Its only mildly toxic, chrysanthemums contain pyrethrins, which are used in dog flea and tick medications, and are particularly poisonous to cats. If your cat has eaten chrysanthemums lookout for vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite and seeks advice from your vet.