are cats allergic to peanuts

Allergies: Like humans, cats can also have peanut allergies. The severity of these allergies can vary, with symptoms ranging from itchy skin and ear infections to life-threatening anaphylaxis. Gastrointestinal Upset: Consuming peanut butter can cause cats to experience diarrhea, gas, vomiting, and stomach pains.

Diagnosis of Nut Allergy in Cats

Because commercial pet food and treats contain so many different ingredients, it can be challenging to diagnose a cat with a nut allergy. Other factors that may also be involved include the consumption of human food and daily exposure to other substances that pets come into contact with. For instance, your cat may become seriously ill if you touch them after they have handled certain foods, such as onions or garlic. Because cats groom themselves all the time, the oils from these veggies are easily absorbed into their fur.

To check for underlying conditions that may be causing the symptoms, your veterinarian will perform a physical examination first, then perform blood tests, skin scrapings, a fecal examination, and a urinalysis. Flea combing ensures your cat is flea-free, while bacterial and fungal cultures rule out infections. The vet will probably recommend a food elimination diet to find out if your cat is allergic to nuts after ruling out all other common causes of these symptoms.

Treatment of Nut Allergy in Cats

In order to determine the cause of the allergy, your cat’s treatment plan will involve a food elimination diet in addition to oral and topical medications. Your cat may be allergic to other foods as well, so even if the vet thinks your cat has a nut allergy, other allergens need to be removed. As with people, if your pet has an allergic response to one food, it’s possible they have allergies to others as well.


Your cat might receive an injection of cortisone from your veterinarian to relieve itching and inflammation right away. Additionally, an oral antihistamine like Benadryl is typically administered at this time, and cortisone cream will probably be used for the rash and itching. Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant that is sometimes effective as well. In order to prevent infections, your veterinarian might recommend antibiotics if your cat has been scratching for a long time.

Fluid Therapy

Your cat will likely receive intravenous (IV) fluids from the veterinarian if it has experienced vomiting and diarrhea. This helps prevent dehydration and increases circulation.

Food Elimination Diet

The best way to determine if your cat has allergies is to change its diet. Due to the wide range of ingredients found in many commercial pet foods, the veterinarian will likely recommend switching to a novel protein or hypoallergenic diet. To implement the novel protein diet, replace your cat’s current food with one that contains a protein that she hasn’t been exposed to. For this food to be accurate, it must be tried for at least 12 weeks. Foods with protein that has been broken down into small molecules so the immune system won’t react to them are known as hypoallergenic diets.

Can cats eat dry roasted peanuts?

Dry roasted peanuts are non-toxic to cats. Once a week, you can offer a few to your feline companion. Before serving, make sure the product isn’t salted and break it up into small pieces.


Is it safe for cats to eat peanuts?

Can cats eat peanuts? Like peanut butter, peanuts aren’t toxic to cats but should be served in small amounts. If you want to treat your cat with some peanuts, make sure to choose raw, unsalted peanuts, as cats’ digestive systems can have trouble handling additives like spices, salt, oil, and seasoning.

Is it OK to give cats peanut butter?

Although many cats love the taste of this salty and sweet spread, cat parents should avoid giving their feline friends peanut butter. It provides no nutritional value and, more importantly, certain ingredients, like fat and added artificial sweeteners, can be harmful or even toxic to cats.

Are nuts toxic to cats?

Eaten in significant amounts, your cat can suffer from cyanide poisoning from almonds. While many types of nuts have nutritional benefits to humans, including Omega 3 fats and protein, the bottom line on giving nuts to cats and dogs is to just say no.

Is peanut oil toxic to cats?

Peanut oil can potentially be harmful in cats yes. The thing we worry about with oil ingestions is pancreatic inflammation or pancreatitis.