are cats sensitive to heat

But can cats get too hot? Just because they like the heat doesn’t mean they can handle soaring temperatures in the summer months. Without adequate ways to cool down, cats can get too hot, and can suffer from heat exhaustion or even heatstroke (which can be fatal) during hot weather.

Check sheds, greenhouses and garages

Cats are infamous for their ability to slip into dangerous situations. They may become stuck in hot rooms without ventilation during the summer, which can be problematic. This is very dangerous, as it can quickly cause heatstroke.

Make sure your cat is not hiding in any sheds, garages, or greenhouses before you lock them up.

Keep your cat hydrated

In hot weather, it’s critical to keep your cat hydrated to avoid dehydration. Here are some suggestions to help your cat drink more water if it needs it:

  • Reposition the water bowl far from the food bowl and litter tray. Since many cats dislike drinking water close to their food or bathroom, doing so might persuade them to do so.
  • Try a variety of water bowls; some cats might be more attracted to metal or ceramic bowls than plastic ones. Try a variety of bowls and arrange them in various spots to observe if your cat has a favorite. Additionally, experiment with different bowl sizes—many cats like larger, overflowing bowls.
  • Provide a source of flowing water since some cats like to drink from it. Attempt to offer them a drink from your tap, or think about getting your cat a water fountain.
  • Having several water bowls both inside and outside will allow your cat to have easy access to fresh water all the time.
  • Gather rainwater; a lot of cats would rather drink it than tap water. Fill a bowl with water from a water butt or set a bowl outside to collect rainwater.

The ideal way to keep your cat occupied and cool during the summer is with ice lollies. All you have to do is freeze some spring water from a tuna can or low-salt chicken stock into an ice lolly mold to create a refreshing treat for your cat.

Find more ice recipes for your cat.

Summer heat is no problem for cats.

Although cats tend to tolerate the heat a little better than dogs — after all, they are famous for seeking sunny spots for sunbathes — the reality is that cats can suffer from overheating (hyperthermia) and heatstroke too. Heat-related health problems tend not to be as common in cats, possibly because cats tend not to exercise in hot weather with their humans and spend less time in the car.

Cats are also incredibly smart about keeping themselves cool. Here’s how they stay cool and some tips to help them withstand the summertime heat.

  • Cats conserve their energy. In extremely hot weather, you might notice your cat “disappearing,” taking longer naps, or being less active. This is because, in contrast to dogs, cats are aware that, in hot weather, conserving energy rather than expending it helps maintain a body temperature that prevents overheating. Cats will sleep during the warmer hours of the day, ideally in a cool spot away from the sun, and save their activities for the late afternoon or early evening.
  • Cats seek out cool surfaces. There’s a good reason your cat likes to lounge on the cement floor of your basement or on the tile floors of your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Cats are aware that heat will be transferred away from their bodies by the cooler floors. They will also look for places to hide from the sun, such as a closet or beneath a bed. Thus, make sure your cat has access to any tiled areas in your house or any rooms that receive little natural light.
  • Cats groom themselves more. Cats groom to stay cool because they are unable to sweat like humans can. In the same way that sweat evaporates to cool us, when they groom in hot weather, their saliva evaporates from their fur.
  • Cats drink more water. Like us and our dogs, cats become dehydrated in the heat. Make sure your cat has access to cool, fresh water at all times. Add a few ice cubes to the water to help keep it cooler for Kitty.
  • Cats benefit from their fur coats. Although you might believe that your cat’s fur coat makes them uncomfortable in hot weather, fur actually has insulating qualities that help control body temperature. But you can help get rid of any extra undercoat by brushing your cat often.


What temperature is too hot for cats?

Any temperature over 100 F or 38 C is too hot for cats. Despite their fondness for all things warm, it’s possible for cats to become overheated. To cool off, they may seek out cool places like a bathtub or sink, and some cats may stick their faces in front of an air conditioning vent to catch the cold breeze.

Does high heat bother cats?

Even though humans sweat to cool themselves in the summer heat, your cat’s body isn’t as efficient. Felines pant to cool themselves and sweat minimally (through their paw pads). Exposure to the summertime heat can cause heat exhaustion that can rapidly progress into heatstroke.

Does it hurt my cat to be in heat?

She will try hard to find a male cat, and male cats will be equally keen to reach her. Unlike dogs, it’s very unusual to see a cat bleed when she is on heat. Being on heat isn’t painful but it can make your cat feel a little unsettled, uncomfortable, and ‘under the weather’.