are dracaena plants poisonous to cats

Corn plant (also known as cornstalk plant, dracaena, dragon tree, and ribbon plant) is toxic to dogs and cats. Saponin is the toxic chemical compound in this plant. If this plant is ingested, vomiting (with or without blood), appetite loss, depression, and/or increased salivation can occur.

What to Do if You See Your Cat or Dog Eating Dracaena

You should get in touch with your veterinarian if you discover your dog or cat consuming dracaena leaves. The symptoms that dracaena pet poisoning causes are the main cause for concern. Diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive drooling can all quickly result in severe dehydration, which is a dangerous condition if ignored. Thankfully, a veterinarian can treat it with ease and can quickly get your pet back on its feet in a secure setting. It’s always better to be safe than sorry if you have any concerns about the health of your pet. Furthermore, waiting it out can be extremely dangerous and even deadly for dracaena pet poisoning.

Symptoms of Dracaena Poisoning in Pets

Your pet may very well be sneaking nibbles at your plants behind your back. (Shocking!).

It may be a good idea to reevaluate which types of flora you choose to grow indoors, for the benefit of the animals, if you notice bits missing or you have reason to believe your pets have been making midnight snacks of the greenery in the corner.

Knowing what to look for in the event that your pet consumes a poisonous houseplant is very helpful.

Adverse effects from ingesting the mildly toxic plant dracaena include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated pupils (cats)
  • Excessive drooling
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Incoordination
  • Stumbling
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness

If your pet has consumed dracaena, you should contact your veterinarian right away.

It’s likely that your dog or cat will require emergency veterinary care if they exhibit one or more of these symptoms.

The symptoms may not go away for 12 to 24 hours, which could leave pussy or Fido severely dehydrated and experiencing an electrolyte imbalance. Your vet can help to correct these issues.

You’re probably wondering, “What will she have to go through to get better,” at this point.

There are actually two answers to that question. The first concerns the toxins found in dracaena, while the second concerns the plant itself.

The plant’s leaves and stems would irritate your pet’s stomach even if it had no toxins.

Your pet might have become dehydrated if she has been throwing up for an extended amount of time.

Hospitalization may be necessary for severe dehydration so that she can receive intravenous fluids and electrolytes.

Your veterinarian may induce vomiting if your cat ingested dracaena leaves and is having trouble getting rid of them. Do not try to induce vomiting at home.

Thankfully, no fatalities from pets consuming D have been documented. marginata, one of the commonly grown species of this plant.

After consuming any dracaena parts, your dog or cat should recover quickly with the assistance of your veterinarian in less than a day.

As soon as all plant materials (leaves or bark) have been removed, either orally or rectally, the symptoms ought to cease.

Saponins: When Soap is a Bad Thing

A saponin is the guilty substance that gives animals so much pain.

That is derived from the Latin word “sapon,” which means soap. When water is shaken, saponins make froth.

This has even led to the naming of D. mannii as the West African soap tree.

Plants belonging to the genus Dracaena have yielded a variety of saponins.

This genus’s species can differ in the combinations of saponins they contain.

These chemicals vary in their degree of toxicity. While some of them have minimal impact, others have the potential to make animals very sick.

In west Africa, dracaena is used as a traditional medicine because it contains a lot of steroids-like saponins.

Certain saponins are employed in the industrial sector as foam for fire extinguishers and detergents.

But eating them, well, that’s really not recommended.


Are Dracaena plants toxic to cats?

Toxicity to pets Dracaena species plants contain saponins which may cause drooling, vomiting, weakness, incoordination and dilated pupils (cats) when ingested.

Are Dracaena plants toxic to people?

While toxic to pets, Dracaena is generally nontoxic to humans. However, humans should not eat this plant. It produces saponins, and saponins are sometimes used to make detergents. Be safe and keep this plant out of the reach of tiny hands.

Is an ivy plant poisonous to cats?

English Ivy is commonly found in landscapes throughout the United States. These popular plants are toxic to many pets, including dogs, cats, and horses. Toxic consumption: The minimum threshold for toxicity is not known and suspected consumption should be reported immediately.