are geraniums poisonous to cats and dogs

Geranium: (Pelargonium spp) All parts of geraniums are poisonous to both dogs and cats. Also present in summer. Hyacinth: (Hyacinthus orientalis) The bulbs are poisonous to both cats and dogs. Hydrangea: (Hydrangea) Bulbs are toxic to both cats and dogs as they contain cyanide.

Causes of Geranium Poisoning in Dogs

Your dog’s risk of developing geranium poisoning is increased by the following factors:

  • Pelargonium species growing in your garden
  • Potted indoor geraniums that are easily accessible
  • being a puppy; due to their innate curiosity and mouth exploration
  • Dogs that like to eat or investigate plants
  • Individual sensitivity or allergy
  • Use of essential oils

What is Geranium Poisoning?

The popular garden geranium is a member of the large genus Pelargonium, which is home to many flowering plants. More than 200 species of Pelargonium exist, including succulents, shrubs, perennials, and annuals grown in gardens. Since these plants are indigenous to warm temperate and tropical regions, particularly Southern Africa, the first severe frost will cause the leaves to wither rapidly. Pelargonium species belong to the Geraniaceae family. Because of a few substances that are present throughout the plant, they are somewhat toxic.

One of the main components of essential oils like citronella and rose oil is the strong chemical geraniol. It irritates the skin and may cause eye damage. The other harmful ingredient is linalool, a terpene compound that can result in allergic reactions and eczema. Although geraniums only contain trace amounts of these compounds, dogs that eat any part of the plant may experience depression, vomiting, and decreased appetite. Redness and irritation may appear on the skin if leaves or broken stems come into contact with it. For this reason, the majority of dogs will stay away from the plants, but puppies or dogs who have a tendency to eat house or garden plants may be more vulnerable. Geranium side effects are usually mild, though some animals may experience more severe symptoms due to individual sensitivity.

Animal exposure to geranium oil can be far more hazardous because it is an essential oil that concentrates the more toxic components of the plant. It is important to distinguish geranium species from other plants in the Geranium genus, which is a part of the Geraniaceae family. Known by most as cranesbills, these flowers have five symmetrical petals as opposed to the many asymmetrical petals of Pelargonium species. In addition to being non-toxic to animals, cranesbills are more resilient and less prone to frost.

Dogs may be slightly poisoned by the most prevalent variety of geranium found in gardens and flower pots. Adverse effects can include vomiting after consumption or dermatitis from skin exposure. Youtube Play.

Geranium Poisoning Average Cost

From 444 quotes ranging from $200 – $1,500

Treatment of Geranium Poisoning in Dogs

Treatment isn’t always necessary for geranium poisoning caused by the plant, though it will depend on how much was consumed and how your dog responded. Any skin that has been topically exposed, such as the lips and mouth, should be gently cleaned. Take the remaining plant material out of your dog’s mouth and give him some water to drink if he has consumed any part of the plant. Don’t induce vomiting unless recommended by a professional.

Veterinary treatment could be necessary in severe cases. Should a significant quantity be consumed, the veterinarian might induce vomiting. Additionally, activated charcoal is administered to lessen the gastrointestinal tract’s absorption of toxins. Using cathartic medication can help your dog’s body eliminate toxins more quickly.

Severe symptoms may need supportive treatment. Other medications may be used to coat the stomach lining and lessen gastrointestinal irritation, and anti-emetics can help stop chronic vomiting. Anti-inflammatories and topical ointments can lessen allergic skin reactions and dermatitis. Dogs who have frequent vomiting and are extremely dehydrated might require more fluids and electrolytes. Although ingesting geranium plants rarely causes this, exposure to the essential oil may necessitate more intensive care.


What happens if a cat eats a geranium?

Toxicity to pets Geraniums contain essential oils (linalool, gerinaol) which can cause gastrointestinal upset or skin irritation with exposure. Symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, depression or lethargy, anorexia (i.e. lack of appetite) and dermatitis.

How toxic are geraniums to dogs?

The most common type of geranium found in gardens and flower pots is mildly toxic for dogs. Adverse reactions include dermatitis from skin exposure or vomiting after ingestion. Protect yourself and your pet.

Do cats like geranium plants?

Perennial geraniums are one of the only plants that deter cats without emitting a pungent odour for both humans and animals. On the contrary, geraniums smell lovely to us but horrible to cats, horrible enough to keep them away. However, geraniums also have prickly leaves, which cats will find uncomfortable to walk on.

Are geranium leaves poisonous?

Are Geraniums Poisonous to Children? No part of annual or perennial geraniums are toxic to children. This includes the flowers, leaves, stems and roots. The essential oils in pelargoniums can cause mild skin irritation, called allergic contact dermatitis, in some people.