are hydrangea poisonous to cats

According to Pet Poison Hotline, cats will become poisoned by eating any part of the hydrangea plant. The toxic component of the hydrangea is called cyanogenic glycoside. The flowers, leaves, buds, and stalks all contain the poison, but the buds and leaves contain the most toxin.

What Should I Do If My Cat Has Eaten a Hydrangea?

Your cat should see a veterinarian right away if you observe any of these signs or believe they have consumed any part of the hydrangea plant.

Whenever possible, it’s a good idea to bring a portion of the plant to the veterinarian so that they can make sure it is properly identified. This will help your veterinarian treat your cat’s symptoms.

If your cat doesn’t have any symptoms, you can call the Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661) for advice, but often with this type of toxicity, they will recommend a visit to the vet as well.

Time is of the essence if your cat has consumed a significant amount of hydrangea, as toxicity will worsen over time and the toxin will continue to be absorbed.

If you suspect a poisoning, do not induce vomiting at home unless your veterinarian specifically instructs you to do so.

The chances of causing vomiting are frequently higher than the possibility of your cat developing mild hydrangea toxicity because severe toxicity is uncommon.

To make sure there are no additional health issues, your veterinarian will conduct a physical examination and review previous blood and urine tests. To rule out other possible causes of your cat’s digestive distress, they might even advise an X-ray of your cat’s abdomen.

How Many Hydrangeas Are Toxic to a Cat?

Regretfully, the precise amount of hydrangea flowers or shrub your cat would need to consume to become seriously poisonous is unknown.

Pet parents should take their cat to the veterinarian in order to make sure that they do not suffer from cyanide poisoning because of this unknown and the potential for fast-acting toxicity following any consumption.

Ingestion can happen quickly in a home garden, with a houseplant, or if you take your cat to an event where flowers are used as decoration because cats are drawn to brightly colored flowers.

Because of their smaller bodies than dogs, cats are more prone to hydrangea toxicity.

Because hydrangea plants are dose-dependently toxic, consuming more of them increases the likelihood of experiencing clinical symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of Hydrangea Poisoning in Cats

Symptoms of hydrangea poisoning in cats include:

  • Contact dermatitis, particularly in cats with delicate skin or a history of skin conditions
  • Nausea and drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (sometimes with blood)
  • Decreased appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness and depression
  • Abdominal paib

In cases of cyanide poisoning, signs made include:


Are hydrangeas toxic to pets?

Hydrangeas Are Toxic To Dogs The leaves, buds, flowers, and bark all contain the toxin, so if your dog munches any part of your hydrangeas, he could get sick. Hydrangeas also are toxic to other pets like cats and horses.

What happens if a cat eats hydrangea?

Symptoms of Hydrangea Poisoning in Cats Vomiting. Diarrhea (sometimes with blood) Decreased appetite. Lethargy.

How do I keep cats off my hydrangeas?

Place shells, branches, and thorny vines, which aren’t appealing for a dog or cat to step on,” Burch says. She also recommends applying non-toxic botanical oil sprays around the edges of the plants, as these products have a noxious smell to animals.

Are roses and hydrangeas safe for cats?

While some types of hydrangeas may be more toxic than others, any type of plant can be dangerous to cats if ingested in large quantities. If you suspect that your cat has ingested any part of a hydrangea or any other plant, seek veterinary attention immediately.