are hydrangeas bad for cats

According to Pet Poison Hotline, cats will become poisoned by eating any part of the hydrangea plant. The toxic component of the hydrangea is called cyanogenic glycoside. The flowers, leaves, buds, and stalks all contain the poison, but the buds and leaves contain the most toxin.

What Is Hydrangea Poisoning in Cats?

Because of their gorgeous and vibrant flowers, hydrangea shrubs are frequently found in gardens and as houseplants. They are also commonly utilized as floral arrangements for formal occasions. These plants have large flower clusters that are colored in a variety of hues, including pink, red, blue, purple, and white, and broad, flat green leaves. These flowers are well-liked because of their enormous clusters, which resemble snowballs.

The hydrangea, also known as the hills of the snow, the hortensia plant, or seven bark, contains the same toxin as almonds, apple and pear seeds, and the pits of prunus species fruits, which include plum, cherry, peach, and apricot.

All parts of the hydrangea plant are toxic, but the highest concentration is found in the leaves and flowers.

While mild poisoning is common and frequently causes stomach upset in cats when they consume large amounts, severe toxicity is extremely rare. The cyanogenic glycoside known as amygdalin, which is also toxic to dogs, horses, and other animals, is found in hydrangeas.

Chewing on the plant releases its toxin, which can result in cyanide poisoning. Cyanide is a poison that acts quickly, entering the bloodstream and preventing the body from properly utilizing oxygen.

Your cat should be taken to a veterinary emergency room or seen by their veterinarian as soon as possible if you think they may have eaten any part of a hydrangea plant.

  • Although the leaves and flowers of the hydrangea plant are the most toxic to cats, the entire plant is toxic to them.
  • Regretfully, the precise amount of hydrangea your cat would need to consume in order to become seriously toxic is unknown.
  • Don’t make your pet throw up at home if they consumed hydrangea.

Symptoms of Hydrangea Poisoning in Cats

Symptoms of hydrangea poisoning in cats include:

  • Contact dermatitis, particularly in cats with delicate skin or a history of skin conditions
  • Nausea and drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (sometimes with blood)
  • Decreased appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness and depression
  • Abdominal paib

In cases of cyanide poisoning, signs made include:

Prognosis of Hydrangea Poisoning in Cats

Unless cyanide absorption by the digestive system continues, cats who exhibit severe clinical signs of poisoning and are still alive two hours or more after the signs start usually have a good chance of recovering.

In moderate cases, your cat has an excellent chance of making a full recovery after the vomiting and diarrhea stop and the toxin is successfully removed from their digestive system.

After the toxin is successfully removed, your cat should experience a rapid improvement in appetite and mood.


What happens if a cat eats hydrangea?

Symptoms of Hydrangea Poisoning in Cats Vomiting. Diarrhea (sometimes with blood) Decreased appetite. Lethargy.

Are hydrangeas safe for pets?

Hydrangeas Are Toxic To Dogs The leaves, buds, flowers, and bark all contain the toxin, so if your dog munches any part of your hydrangeas, he could get sick. Hydrangeas also are toxic to other pets like cats and horses.

How poisonous are hydrangeas?

Sadly, the entire plant, including the flower buds, is quite toxic to pets and children. All parts of Hydrangea contain traces of cyanide. Accidental ingestion could cause shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, and a rapid pulse. Severe cases of poisoning could also lead to convulsions and death.

Do hydrangeas attract cats?

They like to come up and smell the flowers. My cats are very good about not eating or bothering the flowers, however, after I bought these, I learned that hydrangeas are poisonous to cats! It contains cyanogenic glycoside, which is poisonous to cats.