are kalanchoe toxic to cats

Kalanchoe is a common, beautiful houseplant with hundreds of flowers (which range in color from yellow to orange, pink, or red). This plant does belong to a group of plants that contain cardiac toxins (bufadienolides). However, ingestion by dogs and cats most often results in gastrointestinal irritation or upset.

DieffenbachiaDieffenbachia sp.Commonly known as dumb cane, this tropical plant grown for its foliage is common in

are kalanchoe toxic to cats

The plant is mildly toxic to cats and dogs, despite not being extremely toxic to them. It contains bufadienolides, which are a type of cardiac toxin. If your cat consumes a small amount of the plant, gastric upset is the most likely symptom they will experience, so expect some vomiting and diarrhea. Naturally, you must act if your cat exhibits these symptoms in the future as they may indicate dehydration and other conditions that are particularly harmful to cats.

The kalanchoe family comprises about 120 distinct plant species. Most are perennial herbaceous succulents. Since they are succulents, they don’t need to be watered every day and can grow well in low light. These characteristics, along with the plant’s attractive appearance, make them a popular houseplant in many homes across the globe. Kalanchoe is sometimes called widow’s thrill, mother-of-millions, or the mother-in-law plant.

Aloe vera is another popular houseplant. It is a succulent that requires little maintenance and is well-known for its somewhat spiky appearance in addition to its many health advantages. But less so for cats. Despite this, some cat foods contain aloe extract because the toxic part of aloe is its latex. It should be safe because this was taken out before the plant was used to make cat foods and other products. On the other hand, if your cat consumes aloe vera, watch out for symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, cramping in the abdomen, and appetite loss. If you see these symptoms, contact a vet.

Sago palms aren’t true palms. They are cycads. However, they have acquired the name “sago palm” due to their resemblance in appearance to a palm. They are extremely toxic to cats, and even a tiny quantity can cause severe harm to the liver and possibly even liver failure. The poison is more concentrated in the seeds, making them the most lethal portion for cats.

Succulent plants like kalanchoe are often kept as houseplants. It is not one of the most dangerous, but it is somewhat toxic to cats and upsets their stomachs, so you should try to keep it out of their reach and keep an eye on yours to see if it has consumed any of this plant. Because kalanchoe can occasionally cause respiratory issues in cats, monitoring is crucial because veterinary care will be needed in these cases.

LilyLilium, HemerocallisFor cats, this is floral enemy #1.

are kalanchoe toxic to cats


Is Kalanchoe pet friendly?

Kalanchoe is a flowering houseplant that is popular because of its hundreds of tiny flowers in all different colors and glossy green leaves with scalloped edges. However, it is also poisonous to dogs as well as other animals and children.

How toxic is Kalanchoe?

All members of Kalanchoe are toxic, and losses to livestock occur in South Africa and Australia when these plants are ingested because of scarcity of appropriate forage. Flowers contain the highest levels of cardiotoxic compounds compared with stems, roots, or leaves.

What is the most toxic flower to cats?

Cats and poisonous flowers and plants The most dangerous plant is the lily – all parts are toxic. However, there are other plants and flowers, both indoors and outdoors, that can be harmful to cats.

What succulent is toxic to cats?

Euphorbia. A large, diverse genus, euphorbia includes plants ranging from tiny, low-growing plants to sprawling trees. Many succulents in the euphorbia genus, such as the pencil cactus and crown of thorns, are poisonous to both cats and dogs.