are lily flowers poisonous to cats

The entire lily plant is toxic: the stem, leaves, flowers, pollen, and even the water in a vase. Eating just a small amount of a leaf or flower petal, licking a few pollen grains off its fur while grooming, or drinking the water from the vase can cause your cat to develop fatal kidney failure in less than 3 days.

How to Keep Your Pet Safe

Make sure you know the kind of lily you are bringing into your house before you bring any in. It’s best to avoid bringing in Lilium spp. , Hemerocallis spp. , or Convallaria spp. , especially if you have cats, because of worries about these plants’ potential for toxicity. Your cat buddy might decide to show interest in a new plant even though they don’t usually like plants. Additionally, it might be more difficult than you think to keep our feline friends away from these plants. Cats can sneak into rooms that you try to keep them out of quite well. As Lilium spp. When flowers age, they may begin to drop leaves and pollen, which could give your cat access to the plant or bouquet when it was previously out of reach.

Asiatic Lilies (Lilium sp.)

Most of the United States allows for the outdoor growth of these lilies. S. There is a central stem from which the leaves radiate, and large trumpet-shaped blooms in a variety of colors, such as yellow, white, orange, pink, and red, are frequently seen. Members of the Lilium sp. can produce severe toxicosis and AKI. The plants are poisonous in all parts, and there are reports of cases where just pollen exposure resulted in AKI.

Daylily flowers will often appear similar to Lilium sp. flowers. The main difference is the foliage, which appears almost grassy. Hemerocallis sp. have the same concerns as Lilium sp. and can produce severe toxicosis and AKI. The entire plant is poisonous, and there have been cases where AKI has been caused only by pollen exposure.

Peace lilies have green, waxy leaves. Their distinctive flower, which is usually white but can also be yellow or green, is another feature of them. Peace Lilies contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals. When an animal chews on them, the crystals become physically irritated, causing symptoms to appear right away. You may see oral pain, hypersalivation, vomiting or diarrhea. Swelling may occur in the oral cavity, pharynx and tongue.

Which Lilies Are Toxic to Pets?

are lily flowers poisonous to cats

By now, you’ve undoubtedly heard that lilies should be avoided around pets, especially your feline companions. Dogs and cats can both be poisoned by lilies, including daylilies and Asiatic lilies, but cats are much more severely affected. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) wants to make sure you have all the facts and information you need to keep your pet safe because these flowers are common at this time of year.

Easter/Asiatic Lily (Lilium spp.)

For pet owners, the numerous common names for plants—some of which even overlap with those of other plants—can be quite confusing. Many plants are called lilies, but not all of them are harmful to our feline companions. Lilium sp, are ones to keep your cats away from. They go by a number of common names, including Oriental lily, Stargazer lily, Easter lily, and Asiatic lily. All of these should be avoided by pet parents. The plant is poisonous in all forms, and even tiny amounts can seriously harm the kidneys. Additionally problematic behaviors could include drinking lily-infused water or brushing pollen from their fur.

Daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.)

Daylilies are also another lily to avoid. Like Lilium sp, Daylilies can cause severe kidney injury. Since the cut flowers of these flowers only last a day or so, as their names suggest, they are most often seen outdoors and are not frequently used in bouquets.

Peruvian Lily (Alstromeria spp.)

Although native to South America, Peruvian lilies have naturalized in some parts of the United S. Peruvian lilies resemble Lilium sp. in appearance and are also frequently used in bouquets. Although Peruvian lilies may induce some gastrointestinal distress (diarrhea, vomiting), they are not anticipated to result in any organ damage that could be fatal.

Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllium spp.)

Large, waxy, green leaves characterize peace lilies, which also have a very distinctive white flower form that can also be green or yellow. They are commonly found as house plants. When chewed, the insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in peace lilies are released, which can result in mouth pain, drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. In rare cases, mouth swelling can make breathing difficult. Despite their toxicity, peace lilies almost never result in major or fatal issues.

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria spp.)

Different from other lilies, lilies of the valley have a distinctive appearance. They have tiny, bell-shaped, pendent flowers that open in the spring. They are not typical houseplants, nor are they often used in bouquets. But lily of the valley plants are poisonous and can result in severe poisonings. Heart glycosides found in lily of the valley can upset the stomach and result in diarrhea and vomiting as well as an irregular heartbeat.


What happens if my cat eats a lily flower?

Cats that have eaten lily are quickly lethargic and depressed and may seem very unwell. Vomiting may subside after a few hours in some cases, but the other signs continue, and within 72 hours affected cats develop acute kidney failure.

Which lilies are not toxic to cats?

However, not all lilies are poisonous to cats, while some species such as Calla, Peace and Peruvian lilies do not cause kidney damage, but can still cause irritation and gastrointestinal signs if ingested. To avoid your cat coming to any harm, it is a good idea to cat-proof your garden.

Can just the smell of lilies harm cats?

The aroma is not toxic to cats. They have to ingest part of the plant or even ingest the water the plant is sitting in to be toxic. The pollen is toxic, and a few grains on the fur can be toxic if licked off.

What is the survival rate for cats with lily poisoning?

Mortality is between 50-100%. Early, aggressive intervention (suspecting ingestion or prompt treatment when clinical signs are first noted) results in a 90% survival rate. So during this romantic, flower-giving time of year, please make sure your Valentine knows to stay away from lilies if you are a cat lover.