are maine coon cats dangerous

Maine Coon cats are generally good-natured and gentle, meaning they tend to get on with children, if well socialised and introduced gradually. Their calm and caring nature makes them a lovely pet to welcome into the family.

Why Does My Maine Coon Bite Me?

Despite the sweet and gentle reputation of Maine Coons, some cats may nevertheless engage in unwanted habits like biting or scratching.

Surprisingly, though, cats don’t always bite out of anger!

The following are the various potential causes of the bites on your Maine coon:

Cats are known for their love of personal space.

They frequently give warning nips to their owner when that space is invaded to let them know that they would rather be left alone.

Warning nips may begin mildly and gradually intensify in force if they are persistently harassed.

Anger is one of the most frequent causes of a cat’s sudden nip, though it is not the only one.

Most cats will give warning bites or indicate that they want to be left alone with body language like flattened ears, hissing, or growling.

But if their owners keep going over that line, they’ll probably become enraged and snap.

Despite being the most tamed cat breed in the world, Maine Coons are still much smaller than humans, so they can easily feel in danger or threatened.

A cat’s primary means of defense is biting; if a Maine Coon perceives danger, it will use its teeth to try to defend itself.

Cats can bite to defend themselves, but they can also bite to play.

When two cats are playing together, biting is usually not a problem because of their thick fur, which can shield the skin from pain or breakage.

Sadly, even if your cat bites you in a playful way, this behavior is not ideal if that happens!

Although bites during play are usually much gentler than bites during anger or fear, some cats can bite excessively.

For this reason, playing with your cat with toys is preferable to playing with your hands.

Finally, it turns out that affection is the most unexpected reason why cats bite.

Many cats will lick their owners’ fingers while nuzzling up against them, which occasionally results in soft bites.

It’s completely normal for cats to show affection to one another and to their owners in this peculiar way—the little nips are nothing to be concerned about!

Though extremely rare, Maine Coons have been known to attack humans or other animals in a fit of rage.

Although a Maine Coon attack is undoubtedly unpleasant for all parties involved, it is rarely extremely dangerous.

A domestic cat’s bite force can vary from 20 to 75 psi, with an average of roughly 67 psi. Naturally, the Maine Coon bite force would be at the higher end of that range given the breed’s large size.

A Maine coon’s bite will still hurt, but it won’t be nearly as strong as a dog’s, and it will be much less likely to result in significant harm.

If your Maine Coon cat attacks family members, you may be (justifiably) concerned.

That being said, provocation—such as harassment or a sense of unease—is nearly always the cause of a Maine Coon attack.

By providing a safe and comfortable environment where your cat’s boundaries are respected, the chances of your Maine Coon attacking are close to zero (sources 1).

If you would like to know more about why your Maine Coon bites after it licks you, click this link!

How To Discipline A Maine Coon Cat

Although most Maine Coons are renowned for being kind and well-mannered, if they are not properly trained, they can be terrifying to their owners.

These are the most crucial actions to take in the event that your Maine Coon is acting out.

Don’t give your cat any attention—positive or negative—if they have a propensity to bite or play roughly.

Instead, immediately disengage from your cat and firmly ignore it.

Your cat will learn from this that bad behavior will not get it attention.

Give your cat a toy instead of your hand if it begins to bite you, even if it’s just for fun.

This will teach your cat that while a feather toy or a mouse are acceptable playthings, your arm is not.

Here are 5 of the best Maine Coon cat toys.

Instead of punishing bad behavior, focus on rewarding positive behavior.

Emphasize good deeds, such as giving your cat a pet or some treats, to encourage your cat to repeat the behavior in the future.

Are Maine Coons Dangerous?

Given that the Maine Coon is a very large breed of cat, some owners have asked me if they are dangerous.

Maine Coons are generally no more dangerous than other cats.

Since these cats are so well-known for their kindness, it is extremely unlikely that you will ever come under attack from one, even though they may be more difficult to repel if they do.


What is the downside of the Maine Coon cat?

Fur for fur and paw for paw – Maine Coons are a relatively healthy breed that is not besieged by all the common afflictions that their counter-companions contend with. However, they are prone to heart and kidney issues… and some dysplasia of the hip.

Is a Maine Coon a good family pet?

Is a Maine Coon a good pet? Maine Coon cats are great with children and other pets. They are intelligent and curious, making them ideal for training and teaching tricks. Many pet parents adore their Maine Coon cats for their pup-like attributes, like their fetching abilities, and their love of water.

Is it cruel to keep Maine Coon cat indoors?

Due to the Maine Coons fairly laid back personality, they can be kept as either indoor or outdoor cats. Many Maine Coon owners prefer to keep them indoors however, as they are a very coveted breed and they have been known to get stolen when left to go outside alone.