are maine coon cats hypoallergenic

Maine Coon cats are not hypoallergenic because they have thick fur that sheds a lot throughout the year. Whenever the fur sheds, the Coon’s dander sticks to the hair. This causes allergy sufferers to experience severe allergies, especially during the shedding season.

Environment management for cat allergy sufferers

Reducing the amount of allergen deposits in your living space, in this case cat dander, saliva, and fur, requires careful attention to the environment. Consult the table for more details:

Allergen deposits (Area)



  • Install a high-efficiency air cleaning and filtration system. For example, HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters can help remove pollen, dust, and animal dander from your home
  • Avoid using ceiling or attic fans in areas where your Maine Coon spends their time

Floor and surfaces

  • Vacuum clean your floors, carpets, and drapes every day to prevent allergen accumulation
  • Choose vacuums with HEPA filters
  • Avoid keeping dust and allergen collectors like plush toys, wall hangings, and artificial flowers
  • Use low-dust and non-tracking cat litter

Furniture and beds

  • Train your Maine Coon to refrain from sitting on beds, settees, and sofas (get them their own cat cave according to their size)
  • Cover furniture your kitty uses with washable throws

Speak with your new roommate or significant other about taking the appropriate environmental precautions to manage allergies if they have a cat.

Is the Maine Coon Hypoallergenic?

Because the Maine Coon lacks hypoallergenic properties, people who have cat allergies should not use it.

Like other cats, they produce allergens because of their thick fur and size, which can cause allergic reactions in certain people.

On the other hand, both people with and without cat allergies can enjoy the Maine Coon with a little bit of care and attention from both sides!


Experts say that if you have moderate allergies, Maine Coon cats are fine; however, if you have severe asthma or other respiratory problems, they might not be the right fit for you.

What Causes Cat Allergies?

Certain proteins secreted by cats’ sebaceous glands have the potential to trigger allergic reactions in people. The names Fel d 1, Fel d 2, and Fel d 4 refer to these proteins. Those who are allergic to these proteins can breathe them in when cats groom themselves and these proteins become airborne.

These proteins can be found in:

  • Saliva
  • Urine
  • Feces
  • Skin
  • Fur
  • Dander (dead skin cells)
  • Tears
  • Mucous

Research indicates that approximately 80% E2%80%9390% of patients have a Fel%20d%201% protein allergy, with a smaller percentage also sensitive to Fel%20d%202% and Fel%20d%204% proteins.


Are Maine Coon cats good for allergies?

The Maine Coon is not hypoallergenic, meaning that it is not suitable for those with allergies to cats. Due to their high fur and large size, they produce allergens like other cats, which can cause allergic reactions in some people.

What is the most hypoallergenic cat?

1 – Sphynx Being fur-free, Sphynxes are often thought of as the most hypoallergenic cat breed. This means they could be the perfect pet for the allergy sufferer.

Are Maine Coons high maintenance?

A clever, athletic cat who loves – in fact craves – human company, the Maine Coon is rather high maintenance as they need plenty of enrichment in the form of games with their owner that simulate hunting, plus opportunities to climb, jump and survey their territory from a variety of different heights and vantage points.

Do Maine Coons shed a lot?

A Maine Coon’s general shedding pattern is heavily disrupted in an indoor setting. Some kitties shed throughout the year, while others not at all! Experts say a healthy Maine Coon living indoors would experience low-grade shedding throughout the year, like every other house cat.