are maine coon cats mean

Maine Coon cats are generally good-natured and gentle, meaning they tend to get on with children, if well socialised and introduced gradually. Their calm and caring nature makes them a lovely pet to welcome into the family.

Why Is My Maine Coon So Mean?

One of the most well-liked cat breeds worldwide is the Maine Coon, and its appeal is only growing as pet owners highlight its clever and affectionate nature on social media.

This friendly and gregarious cat breed is well-known for requiring a lot of love and companionship to be content.

Regretfully, although the majority of Maine Coon Cats are thought to be affectionate and kind, this isn’t always the case.

You may be wondering, “Why is my Maine Coon Cat so mean?” if your pet is growling, snapping, or even biting.

Dealing with an aggressive cat can be frustrating, but blaming it on your cat and getting upset will only make things worse.

Rather, look into your cat’s surroundings to find out why it is acting aggressively, and then take care of the issue from there.

These are twenty potential explanations for your Maine Coon Cat’s aggressive behavior.

Disregard for boundaries is one of the most frequent causes of aggression among Maine Coons.

Cats communicate with their bodies by hunching over, flattening their ears, and wagging their tails when they don’t want to be bothered.

However, if you or other family members consistently ignore this body language, your cat may become hostile and mistrustful.

Even Maine Coons have boundaries, even though we all love to hold and cuddle with our cats!

When your cat wants to be left alone, it may growl or hiss to set a boundary because not all cats like to be picked up and played with all the time.

Here are some other reasons why your Maine Coon hisses.

It’s time to show your cat respect when it makes it clear that it wants to be left alone!

If not, your cat may grow so mistrustful of you that it will act hostilely toward you whenever you approach it.

If this is already the case, you might need to rebuild your cat’s trust gradually, starting from scratch.

Kittens learn early on which areas of the world are safe and which are dangerous.

During this socialization phase, it is crucial for breeders to handle the kittens frequently and acclimate them to unfamiliar sights, smells, and people.

However, your cat will most likely be fearful and aggressive if it was not properly socialized as a kitten.

Thankfully, it’s not too late to socialize with your cat!

An older cat takes longer to trust, but you can help it understand that it needs no fear of you if you give it enough time, patience, and treats.

Cats are rowdy creatures that love to wrestle and play.

Occasionally, owners of cats misunderstand their pet’s behavior and believe that it is aggressive.

Maine Coon kittens frequently lurk behind doors or furniture, waiting to ambush their humans’ ankles as they pass!

This behavior could startle you, especially if it’s followed by a few nips or unsheathed claws.

Even though a playful cat doesn’t mean to hurt you, it’s crucial to teach them to wrestle with toys rather than people.

These are my favorite Maine Coon cat toys.

Although some cats go too far in this desire, cats generally like to feel in charge of their territory.

They may attack anyone who enters their area if they believe that their territory is in danger. This is particularly valid in busy homes with lots of residents or animals.

If cats aren’t neutered or spayed, they are more likely to act aggressively over territory. Read this article I wrote to find out when is the best time to neuter a Maine Coon kitten.

It’s best to remove any pee and have your cat fixed if their aggression is accompanied by spraying and frequent vocalizations like howling.

You can assist your cat in changing their behavior if they are spraying in the same spot or corner by putting litter boxes there.

Has your cat ever suddenly gone into a biting or scratching frenzy while you were playing with it normally?

Many owners find this surprising behavior puzzling, but there’s actually a perfectly normal explanation for it.

Seeing, hearing, and smelling a lot of movement can quickly overwhelm cats.

Your cat may become overstimulated if you play too rough or even if you are simply moving a toy too quickly or too closely.

Because they are unable to control this barrage of sensory information, overstimulated cats lash out.

Cats that are overstimulated may freak out for a short while, but they usually recover in a minute or two.

Try to play with your cat more quietly and refrain from doing so when there are other loud noises or intriguing smells present, such as:

  • Nearby Construction
  • Cooking Dinner
  • A Lot Of Guests Over

We’ve all heard the old saying “nature vs nurture. The majority of feline aggressiveness is brought on by environmental variables or nurture, or the way the animal was raised.

However, in certain instances, heredity or nature can also be the source of aggression.

Although the environment and your cat’s growth will have a greater influence on its personality, genetics can still be important.

It’s more likely that your cat will act aggressively if its parents were naturally aggressive.

Maine Coons are extremely intelligent and gregarious cats that require a lot of stimulation to feel fulfilled and enriched.

Without enough room to roam around, sturdy, interactive toys, and climbing surfaces, your cat may become bored and destructive.

Maine coons that are bored are more likely to dig in plant pots, rip up carpets, and scratch furniture.

These 13 Tricks Will Stop Your Maine Coon From Rubbing at Furniture!

Regretfully, bored Maine Coons are also more prone to act violently.

In the event that your cat is unable to release its energy, it may resort to biting and scratching.

In situations such as these, it’s imperative that you provide your Maine Coon with additional enrichment, such as regular playtime, climbing areas, or even walks while wearing a harness!

After testing out the majority of the Maine Coon gear that is sold online, I found that my top picks were the following:

Large Cat Harness And Leash (click to read reviews on Amazon)

are maine coon cats mean

8. Not Enough Space

Although they are gregarious and affectionate animals, Maine coons require a place of their own.

Cats prefer to have secure havens where they can hide from people and rest peacefully on their own.

Your Maine Coon may feel lonely if you have a large family or many pets living in a small, congested home.

To read my article about whether a Maine Coon cat can live in an apartment, click here.

Cats who don’t have their own area are more prone to act aggressively and fearfully.

By adding more vertical space, like a cat tree or even specially designed wall shelves for your cat to walk on, you can increase the area that your cat can claim.

Examine your cat’s food dish; has it been fed today? Is fresh water available for your cat? Are there any other regular needs that your cat has that haven’t been met today?

Significant or minor changes occurring in the house can have an immediate impact on your Maine Coon cat. Perhaps the spirited cat notices you are packing a bag. She or he might comprehend that this indicates your departure. If your cat is uncertain about another person in the house, this may lead to stress and depression in them.

All cats can be territorial over their areas. Their toys may occasionally be the cause of your Maine Coon’s territorial outbursts. Similar to how humans are territorial, cats are also They want no strange scents, strange people, or strange cats in their neighborhood.

Maine Coon will exhibit signs of discomfort when they are in it. Even though they truly don’t want to be aggressive, the pain they are in will probably be enough to make them act that way. In the event that your Maine Coon cat exhibits any indications of pain, please contact the veterinarian right away so you can provide any necessary care.

Your furry feline friend may act aggressively to let you know when they’re not feeling well. Any underlying medical issues may lead to stress, which in turn may result in aggressiveness. If you’re not sure why your Maine Coon is acting aggressively, give the vet a call and schedule a visit. The veterinarian can identify the problem and provide assistance if there is something causing your cat to feel unwell.


Are Maine Coon cats nice or mean?

Maine Coon cats have an affectionate nature and are very playful and friendly. They enjoy human company and this makes them excellent companions for someone who enjoys sharing their home with such an enormous cat. Maine Coon cats are noted for the delightful quiet chirping sound they make.

What is the attitude of a Maine Coon cat?

Personality and Temperament Much like a dog, the Maine Coon loves to be around its family and sometimes acts like a pack animal. They are obedient and will come when called. They also love to greet guests, who will be surprised at the sociable nature of the Maine Coon.

Are Maine Coons always friendly?

Maine Coon temperament & personality They love to play and are very affectionate, so if you’re looking for a cat to show you some love when you get home, this is the perfect breed for you. Maine Coons love to socialise with other people and pets, so they make great additions to a large family, whether human or feline!

What is the downside of the Maine Coon cat?

Fur for fur and paw for paw – Maine Coons are a relatively healthy breed that is not besieged by all the common afflictions that their counter-companions contend with. However, they are prone to heart and kidney issues… and some dysplasia of the hip.