are male or female ragdoll cats better

As opposed to male Ragdolls, who are super agile and loud, females aren’t as active, and they are generally more adaptable. If you’re looking for a snuggly feline that prefers a sedentary lifestyle, female Ragdoll kittens will be the perfect fit for your household, especially if you have small kids.

Male vs Female Physical Differences

Size: Male Ragdolls are typically larger than female Ragdolls. Males typically weigh 11–18 pounds when fully grown, while females usually weigh 9–15 pounds. In general, men weigh between three and five pounds more than women.

Boning: The term “boning” describes a cat’s skeleton and frame. When compared to female Ragdolls, males typically have bigger boning and a more muscular body frame. Although female Ragdolls are generally more delicate than male Ragdolls, they do tend to have larger boning than other cat breeds.

Head Shape: Male Ragdolls typically have wider, larger heads than females. Typically, a female Ragdoll’s head is marginally smaller than a male’s.

are male or female ragdoll cats better

Male Ragdoll Cat

are male or female ragdoll cats better

Female Ragdoll Cat

Each Ragdoll cat will have a different voice. While some Ragdolls like “singing” and talking back to their owners, others are usually quieter. Some Ragdolls meow a lot. On average, male Ragdolls have deeper voices than female Ragdolls. A male Ragdoll’s meow usually has a low pitch, while a female Ragdoll’s meow has a high pitch.

Some people might assert that one gender is cuddlier and more relaxed than the other. Or that one gender is more active. But in my experience, generalizations like these are untrue. After being spayed Regardless of gender, each Ragdoll has a distinct and varied personality!

Although the breed as a whole is more loving and laid back than the typical cat, each Ragdoll will still have unique characteristics, tastes, and habits.

A Ragdoll’s temperament is mostly determined by their genetic makeup and upbringing. Like all cats, ragdolls, regardless of gender, receive their personality traits from their parents. Therefore, it’s crucial to locate a Ragdoll breeder who specializes in creating the temperament you’re looking for when deciding where to adopt a kitten.

Our goal at Pastel Ragdolls is to raise kittens with the authentic temperament of the Ragdoll breed, which is mildly playful, submissive, gregarious, loving, and affectionate. This endearing Ragdoll disposition is not gender-specific.

Variations in reproductive traits will be a primary distinction between a male and female of any species. While this is undoubtedly the case for Ragdoll cats, after they have been spayed or neutered, almost no significant reproductive differences will have an impact on their behavior.

At a GlanceMale Ragdolls

  • Average height (adult): 9–11 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 12–20 pounds
  • Lifespan: 9–15 years
  • Exercise: 20 minutes per day
  • Grooming needs: Moderate
  • Family-friendly: Yes
  • Other pet-friendly: Often
  • Female Ragdolls

  • Average height (adult): 9–11 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 8–15 pounds
  • Lifespan: 9–15 years
  • Exercise: 20 minutes per day
  • Grooming needs: Moderate
  • Family-friendly: Yes
  • Other pet-friendly: Often

are male or female ragdoll cats better

are male or female ragdoll cats better

Among the two sexes, male Ragdolls are frequently referred to as attention-seekers. Male Ragdolls adore interacting with people and will do anything to get attention. Many cat lovers are surprised by this since they believe that females are typically more nurturing. Men are very affable and get along with almost everyone. Males who aren’t neutered may behave differently in that they may become more territorial, but overall, they are still friendly.

Male Ragdoll cats are considered highly affectionate animals. The breed as a whole enjoys attention, but in this particular category, males outshine females. The demand for this breed is frequently driven by their friendliness.

are male or female ragdoll cats better

Male Ragdolls differ primarily from females in that they are more active. They may require more hands-on care than you had anticipated because they are such playful animals. They will speak up whenever they need something from you because they are not bashful. Although they can be trained and are intelligent, don’t expect them to perform any more than simple commands.

Male Ragdolls are suitable for both singles for families. On the other hand, they might be a little more alluring to someone who wants to spend as much time as possible with them as a true companion. They aren’t the best for active families with frequent absences.

are male or female ragdoll cats better

Female Ragdolls cats are just as sweet as males. They are very well-behaved and cuddly. They may come across as a little less dramatic than the guys, though. They are a little more self-assured and independent, so they won’t go to any lengths to get attention.

Don’t think that female Ragdolls are any less adorable and cuddly than their male counterparts. The only difference between these cats’ personalities is that the males are a little more forthright about it, while the females are more calm and affectionate. Although they won’t become as devoted to people as males do, there is still a close relationship between a pet and its owner. Females are a bit more submissive as well.

are male or female ragdoll cats better

It will be observed that the activity level of female Ragdolls is lower than that of their male counterparts. They may need some encouragement to get in the minimum amount of recommended exercise because they tend to spend more time lounging around the house. They will be most active at night, when they will spend most of their time investigating and discovering previously unexplored areas of the house.

Families with hectic schedules might find that female Ragdolls are a better fit. When you leave them for hours at a time, they won’t be as devastated, but they will still miss you when you walk out the door.


Is it better to get a male or female Ragdoll cat?

The males tend to be a bit bigger, and they do demand more attention and closer bonds than the females. That isn’t to say that females won’t form a close bond with you, but they are a better fit if you’re looking for a cat that’s a little more independent.

How do you pick a Ragdoll kitten?

They should be happy to play and interact with you. If the kitten is vaccinated, ask to handle it. Well socialised kittens are happy to be picked up and cuddled. No reputable breeder will push you into making a quick decision and should be happy for you to go away and consider if their kitten is for you.

What is the best type of Ragdoll cat?

The most popular Ragdoll color is the seal point. This is what the traditional Ragdoll cat looks like and what people expect to get when it comes to Raggies. After the seal point comes the blue point Ragdoll, which has dazzled many cat lovers with its lavishly good looks and steel gray coat.