are monsteras toxic for cats

Monstera is mildly toxic to humans and is toxic to cats and dogs but is not considered lethal. All parts of the plant are harmful to ingest except the fully ripe fruit, which rarely develops on indoor Monstera. The toxicity comes from insoluble oxalate crystals in the juices inside the plant.

Here are 10 poisonous houseplants that, though we adore them, should be incorporated with caution if they’ll be accessible to your children or pets. But before we get started, a word of clarification: “toxic” is a relative term, and the severity of a reaction is going to have a lot to do with the degree of exposure (amount consumed), which plant species, and the particulars of your pet. Some poisonous houseplants product acute symptoms (like vomiting) that pass quickly. Others simply irritate the skin, whereas some can have more severe, life threatening effects if consumed in excess. This list is by no means meant to be exhaustive, and we definitely recommend doing further research (ASPCA has a great database for pet owners).

A disheartening but unavoidable realization arises during the plant-parenting journey: certain indoor plants may not be suitable for households with pets or small children. Many common genera of houseplants are toxic, either slightly or severely, despite their aesthetic appeal. Even worse, excessive handling of some can irritate the skin.

The good news is that you can still have a vibrant and exquisitely green indoor plant collection and determine which poisonous houseplants to avoid while also evaluating the risk to your family and pets.

Even though it might be worthwhile to remove the aforementioned specimens from your collection of indoor plants, it’s crucial to take your risk factors into account. Will your dog nibble on that tree’s trunk? Does your cat enjoy playing with and chewing on leaves? Do you have young children who might nibble on your floor plants? By using some clever spatial planning, you may be able to lower your risk based on your home, your animals, and the plants you have.

Safe Alternatives for Cat-Friendly Homes

Swap out the Monstera for something less drama-inducing. Boston ferns and spider plants provide lush foliage without the hazardous side effects. Or go for the parlor palm for that tropical vibe. These plants are entertaining, leafy, and won’t put your cat in the ER, making them the cool aunts and uncles of the houseplant world.

Symptoms of Ingestion in Cats

Imagine your cat’s surprise when it begins to burn in their mouth after nibbling on a Monstera leaf. Symptoms such as sudden urges to throw up, excessive drooling, and oral irritation indicate that your cat may not have enjoyed eating your houseplant. This unpleasant gathering can also include trouble swallowing, demonstrating that Monstera and cats are not a match made in heaven.


Can I have a Monstera if I have a cat?

Yes, Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is considered toxic to cats and dogs. The plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort if ingested. Symptoms of toxicity may include oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

Can Monstera cause kidney failure in cats?

Every part of the Thai Constellation Monstera contains these crystals. This means the plant should be a no-fly zone for your whiskered pals. While the risk of kidney damage from ingestion is low, the immediate discomfort should be enough to deter most cats from a second nibble.

How toxic is pothos to cats?

Pothos is poisonous for both animals and human beings, when consumed. So, it is better to keep your cat away from the plant if it’s got the habit of trying the taste of different things. Consuming pothos can cause digestive issues, vomiting and even kill the animal depending on the quantity it’s consumed in.

Is a ZZ plant toxic to cats?

Because of the calcium oxalate they contain ZZ plants can also be toxic to pets. Although not fatal, the symptoms are unpleasant and may be frightening if you don’t know what caused them.