are onions toxic to cats

Can cats eat onions? Cats shouldn’t eat onions because they are part of a group of plants called alliums, which are toxic to cats. Onions (including spring onions and shallots) are the most toxic allium for cats, but garlic, chives and leeks are also toxic, even when cooked or dried.

My Cat Ate Onion. Now What?

See your cat’s veterinarian or an emergency veterinarian right away if you think they may have eaten an onion or food containing onions, or even if you just suspect it. For your cat, the sooner medical intervention occurs, the better.

For advice on how to handle your cat’s onion exposure, it’s also advised that you or your veterinarian give the Pet Poison Helpline a call at 855-764-7661 to speak with a veterinary toxicologist. Prompt medical attention and intervention can effectively treat feline onion poisoning before excessive red blood cell destruction takes place.

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Treating Onion Poisoning in Cats

Cats who suffer from onion poisoning frequently need to stay in the hospital until the entire extent of the damage to their red blood cells has been determined and addressed.

In addition to giving activated charcoal and other decontamination therapies to help reduce the amount of toxin absorbed into the bloodstream, your veterinarian may induce vomiting if the pet consumed onions recently—within the last two hours—in order to get rid of any leftover onion in the stomach. Unless specifically instructed to do so by a veterinarian, never induce vomiting in your cat at home as it can often cause more harm than good.

To assess your cat’s red blood cell count and determine whether they require a blood transfusion, your veterinarian will draw blood samples on a regular basis. Additional laboratory tests, such as complete blood counts and urine samples, will be conducted to evaluate other organs, such as the kidneys and liver, for any harmful alterations.

In order to help with the gastrointestinal symptoms and/or liver condition your cat may have developed, they will remain hospitalized and receive IV fluids and other medications. It’s possible that your cat requires extra oxygen to compensate for the oxygen lost from the damaged red blood cells.

Your cat’s red blood cell counts will probably need to be checked for a few weeks after recovering from onion toxicity. For a cat with onion toxicity who received prompt decontamination and medical attention, the prognosis is rather favorable. Cats with severe anemia and liver failure, as well as those who do not receive prompt, aggressive treatment, are more susceptible to it.

A pungent poisoning: Onion toxicosis in a cat. DVM 360. Accessed May 2, 2023. https://www. dvm360. com/view/pungent-poisoning-onion-toxicosis-cat.

Featured : iStock/portostock

A pungent poisoning: Onion toxicosis in a cat. DVM 360. Accessed May 2, 2023. https://www. dvm360. com/view/pungent-poisoning-onion-toxicosis-cat.

Featured : iStock/portostock

Originally from Fort Worth, Barri Morrison presently resides there. Lauderdale, Florida. She went to University of Florida for her.


What happens if a cat eats a little bit of onion?

The onset time for a cat to develop anemia due to onion consumption can be as soon as 12 hours after ingestion, but it’s typically delayed by two to five days. The most common initial symptoms of onion poisoning in cats include vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.

How much onion is safe for cats?

An onion can become toxic to a feline if more than 1 gram per 5 pounds of body weight is ingested. Onion powder has a high toxicity rate and is potentially more potent than a fresh onion. Onion toxicity in cats is caused by the oxidant present in onions, n-propyl disulfide.

What does onion poisoning look like in cats?

Symptoms of Onion Poisoning in Cats Excessive drooling. Vomiting. Diarrhea. Pale colored gums.

Are cats affected by cutting onions?

Unfortunately, onions can do more than make your cat’s eyes water. Known as “onion poisoning,” if ingested onions can affect a feline’s red blood cells, breaking them down and causing anemia. Although the odd nibble shouldn’t cause any harm, it’s best to try and keep your cat away from the vengeful vegetable.