are pinecones safe for cats

You shouldn’t fear pine cones because they can release toxic substances that can be harmful to animals. Instead, your main concern here should be your pet choking on the pine cone. Bigger pine cones can block an animal’s airway and cause a serious problem.

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The whole family will enjoy decorating your house for the holidays, but it’s important to know which plants are harmful to cats.

It’s difficult not to decorate the halls with all of the gorgeous live plants that are in abundance at this time of year. Sadly, some of the most well-liked holiday plants are poisonous or dangerous to cats. To help ensure your cat has a safe holiday season, stay away from these popular holiday plants.

Please contact your veterinarian immediately or give the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center a call at (888) 426-4435 if you believe your cat may have consumed any of the plants covered in this article.

It seems that no holiday table is complete without a beautiful poinsettia with its dark leaves and velvety red petals. This traditional holiday plant has received a bad rap over the years as being a highly toxic plant for cats, but its not as dangerous as others, says PetMD. Poinsettias arent life-threatening, but they may give your kitty a stomachache or diarrhea if she ingests or licks the plant. Stick to admiring other peoples flowers, or display the plant out of your cats reach (if there is such a place in your home!). There are also many faux options available that can bring your holiday display to life without threatening your cats.

Amaryllis is a desirable holiday plant because its fun to watch the bulb grow into a tall, majestic flower. However, its toxic to pets due to the presence of the chemical lycorine, among other properties. According to the ASPCA, possible reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors and hypersalivation. Amaryllis plants may be beautiful, but theyre not worth the risk.

With its dark leaves and velvety red petals, it seems that no holiday table is complete without a beautiful poinsettia. However, the ASPCA explains that, while poinsettias arent life-threatening, they may irritate your kittys mouth and stomach and can cause vomiting if ingested. This is no fun for your cat, so stick to admiring other peoples flowers or put your poinsettia someplace out of your cats reach — if such a place exists. You can also go with a faux option to bring your holiday display to life without risking your cats well-being.

Christmas trees are often pine, spruce or fir trees. According to Texas A&M Universitys School of Veterinary Medicine, pine needles in particular can cause health complications for your cat. If ingested, pine needles can irritate their mouth and may also lead to gastrointestinal issues. If you wish to have a live tree, choose a fir or spruce. No matter what kind of tree you get, regularly dispose of any stray needles.

Additional risks associated with Christmas trees include your cat toppling the tree or consuming ornaments like tinsel, ribbons, string, and beads. To help prevent accidents, if at all possible, secure your tree to the ground. You should also raise any choking hazards high enough on the tree so your cat can’t reach them. To prevent your cat from drinking the water, cover the tree stand. Tree water may include sap, pesticides or preservatives.

When it comes to ornaments, stay away from those that are tiny enough for your cat to eat and take extra caution around ones that have sharp edges. Make every effort to secure your ornaments to the tree so your cat can’t remove them. In conclusion, prevent your feline from gnawing on electrical cords and disconnect them when you’re not present to oversee them.

If youre looking to hang mistletoe or holly in your doorway, opt for artificial plants. The ASPCA explains that mistletoe can cause several health concerns, including vomiting, diarrhea, low heart rate, low blood pressure and even difficulty breathing. Holly berries and leaves can also cause vomiting and diarrhea if ingested, as well as depression. Cats are nimble, curious little creatures, so even if these festive decorations seem out of reach, think again. Plus, you dont need mistletoe to kiss your cat!

Once more: Call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 if you believe there is even a possibility that your cat may have consumed any of these poisonous holiday plants. You should also contact your veterinarian right away.

Nic Shacklock from explained: “The last thing families want to do is spend the whole month of December trying to get their cat off the tree or their dog away from the presents underneath it.

Fortunately for you and your four-legged friend, there are ways to remove both the thrill and the risk from the tree for your pets.

By putting some apple cider vinegar on a few pinecones and setting them at the base of the tree, he recommends adding some deterrent decorations. Pets won’t be able to resist the scent without the need for physical barriers, which might clash with the rest of your holiday décor.

Real tree needles and pines can pierce a pet’s digestive tract if swallowed, causing havoc. Additionally, decorations run the risk of burning, electrocuting, or puncturing small, delicate paws.

It’s also advised to remove the tinsel from your tree if you have pets. It’s extremely alluring, particularly to cats, and could entice them to scale, leap, and cling to your tree, increasing the chance of broken ornaments.


Why is my cat eating pine cones?

It may be that the reason varies from cat to cat. Some may be “adopting” the items — does she treat the pine cones a little like she might treat a kitten? Others may be substituting the items for prey — perhaps they did not learn to hunt very well, so they “capture” inanimate objects.

Do cats like the smell of pinecones?

Cats hate any concentrated scents from essential oils. Toss pinecones, nut shells, and sticks around the perimeter of your garden. Cats do not like walking on anything that is sharp, sticky, or noisy.

Is pine tree toxic to cats?

The oils in pine trees can be harmful to cats, potentially leading to liver damage and even death. Meanwhile, pine needles are sharp and can damage a cat’s internal organs if ingested. They also pose a hazard to paws if stepped on. Cover the tree stand so your cat won’t drink the water.

Are scented pine cones bad for pets?

If swallowed it can cause the intestines to bunch up and perforate. Liquid potpourri, fireplace salts/colors, scented pine cones, angel hair, and styrofoam can be toxic if ingested or cause intestinal obstruction.