are roach traps safe for cats

As strange as it may sound, cats and dogs love to eat ant and cockroach baits. These baits usually contain peanut butter and/or sugar to attract insects, but this means they are tasty for pets as well. Luckily there is such a small amount of bait in these products, that stomach upset is typically the only problem seen.

After moving to the foothills last spring and experiencing a cockroach infestation, we are wondering if there is a product that is safe for pets and effective against roaches. We currently have two cats.

Around drains is where you stand the best chance of catching large trophy roaches. When grocery shopping is made simple for them, they multiply more quickly, so make sure to keep all pet and human food clean. Happy hunting.

For the latest on the safest, I contacted Dr. Safdar Khan of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435). Fortunately, because most roach bates only contain a few grams of pesticide, they pose no serious risk to pets. But be careful if you use powdered boric acid. Cats that come into contact with the highly concentrated form (99%) may become ill after wiping it off their fur. The best defense is to heed label instructions and keep pesticides out of children’s and pets’ reach.

My Cat Licked Roach Poison – What Happens Now?

You might not know what to do if your cat licked roach poison. Curious creatures, cats have been known to eat roach poison and traps. When setting out roach traps, keep an eye on your cats or keep them away from those areas.

The German Cockroach, American Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, and Brown Banded Cockroach are the four types of cockroaches. Cockroaches can grow to a length of two inches and are difficult to eradicate. Cockroaches are drawn to damp spaces, food scraps, and dirty dishes in your house.

Boric acid, which is present in roach poison and traps, is the most widely used method of eliminating cockroaches. Where cockroaches have been observed, boric acid is applied; however, if the boric acid is in a location that is easily accessible to cats, they may consume it. Cats can lick their bodies after coming into contact with boric acid or directly consume it. Most often, cats who consume boric acid experience upset stomachs.

Cockroaches can be killed in a pet-friendly manner by using baking powder.

Clinical Signs of Roach Poisoning

Small doses of roach poisoning may not be dangerous for your cat to eat, but large doses can be. Kittens’ early age makes them particularly susceptible to roach poisoning.

Clinical signs can occur hours after consumption.

Common clinical signs:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Skin irritation


Are cockroach baits safe around cats?

The good news is that most roach bates present no significant risk to pets because they contain only a few grams of pesticide. But be careful if you use powdered boric acid. Cats who contact the highly concentrated form (99%) can get sick after cleaning it off their fur.

Are roach bait traps safe around pets?

Note:Roach bait consisit of corn starch,Brown sugar and Flavor enhancer.So If the bait is eaten by children or pets, don’t worry. The bait is non-toxic.

Are roach glue traps poisonous to cats?

Watch for Children and Pets – Although sticky traps are usually non-toxic, it is still best to keep children and pets away from them. This prevents them from being disturbed and having your pest control efforts interrupted.

What roach killer is safe for cats?

Pet-Safe Roach Killer: Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth This white powder consists of the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. It’s completely harmless to pets and people, as long as you buy the food-grade kind (please do not use diatomaceous earth made for use in swimming pools).