are rose leaves toxic to cats

Rose petals, leaves, and stems

Fortunately, roses are non-toxic to cats. So, you don’t need to worry about the petals, leaves, and stems of a rose poisoning a cat if they ingest it. But it may upset their stomach and make them feel sorry for themselves, as roses are likely something outside of your cat’s regular diet.

Are Roses Poisonous to Cats? Your Questions Answered

As we know, cats are curious creatures. Even the most placid of cats will come investigate when they see a leaf swaying in the breeze or a petal dropping to the ground. Like all other animal species, cats use their mouths to investigate. If there’s something wiggly, your cat might come investigate. If the aroma is appealing, particularly if it’s something they’ve tried and loved, they’ll rush to the plant and begin to eat it.

One of the most common plants to add to a home garden is roses. Roses are the first thing that spring to mind when you consider giving someone flowers or treating yourself. It follows that many homes have flowers growing in their yards or displayed in a case in a visible area of the house.

Roses come in thousands of subspecies and over 150 species. Roses are used in foods, teas, and medications in addition to their aesthetic value. For centuries, rose water has been used as a perfume, particularly in the Middle East and Asia. Vitamin C can be obtained from rose hips, which are the parts of the rose flower that attach to the stem.

Other types of roses

Certain flowers referred to as “roses” are poisonous to cats even though they aren’t truly a member of the rose family.

These toxic roses include:

  • Christmas rose
  • Easter rose
  • Primrose
  • Desert rose
  • Moss rose
  • Rosebay
  • Rose of Sharon

Is Baby’s Breath Poisonous To Cats?

Another flower that is prevalent in flower arrangements and also can be part of a garden is baby’s breath, otherwise known as maiden’s breath or by the plant’s scientific name, Gypsophila elegans. According to the ASPCA, baby’s breath is not toxic to cats, humans, dogs or horses. That said, if your cat ingests a large amount of the plant, mild stomach upset, vomiting or diarrhea can occur.

Although cats cannot be poisoned by rose petals, leaves, or stems, there are many other plant species that can Although the degree of toxicity may differ from one part of the plant to another, it is safe to assume that if one part of the plant is harmful to your cat’s health, the rest of the plant is as well.


Why does my cat eat rose leaves?

Our curious kitties love to investigate anything aromatic, especially plants and flowers. So, being their natural, lovable selves, they’ll nudge against them, smell them, and maybe even eat them to see if they taste as good as they smell.

Are rose plants toxic to cats?

Fortunately, roses themselves are non-toxic to cats. If your cat has eaten any part of the rose bush or flower, toxicity is only a concern if flower food or pesticides were involved.

Are rose leaves toxic to animals?

The Good News: Roses Aren’t Toxic. Roses are non-toxic to pets, making them a fairly good option for landscaping for pet owners. They’re a good option for cut flowers inside, as well, since they won’t hurt your indoor pet if they consume any fallen pedals.

What happens if cats eat flower leaves?

Even small ingestions (2-3 petals/leaves, the pollen, or even water from the vase) can result in severe, acute kidney failure.