are russian blues good with dogs

Russian blues enjoy interacting and playing with their owners, but they can have an aloof quality that makes them less suitable for homes with rambunctious children or pets. Mellow dogs and gentle children are much preferred by this independent breed. Read on to learn more about the stunning Russian blue cat breed.

Bonding Activities for Your Cat and Dog

Engaging in bonding activities can enhance the bond between your dog and cat and encourage positive interactions. Observed playtime, cooperative training sessions, and even couch cuddles are some suggestions.

Keep a close eye on their interactions to make sure they stay upbeat and non-threatening. Your dog and cat can develop a close bond and learn to enjoy each other’s company over time with patience and positive reinforcement.

Russian Blue Health Issues

According to Grady, Russian Blue cats are a naturally occurring breed that typically lives 15 to 20 years and is in generally good health. But just like with any cat, there are a few possible health risks that pet owners need to be aware of.

Excess weight is the No. Bruce Kornreich, DVM, PhD, director of the Cornell Feline Health Center, lists one health problem that cats face. Russian Blues frequently have a voracious appetite, so it’s crucial to feed them in moderation and monitor their body composition. Cat obesity raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease, lung conditions, and some types of cancer, among other conditions.

Additionally, Kornreich mentions cats’ general oral health as a possible source of problems. “It’s imperative that pet parents practice extreme diligence when it comes to dental care for all cats,” he states. And routinely brushing the cat’s teeth would be the best course of action. Because human toothpaste is poisonous to cats, always use toothpaste designed for cats. It is also advised that your veterinarian perform routine dental cleanings in order to help prevent periodontitis and dental disease.

The Russian Blue can also be affected by other conditions like polycystic kidney disease and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA); any respectable breeder should check their cats for these and other conditions. Although there isn’t a formal connection between the Russian Blue and these heritable illnesses, Kornreich advises paying attention to what your breeder has observed and prioritizing regular veterinary care.

How much do Russian Blue cats cost?

A purebred Russian Blue with a pedigree can cost $2,000–$2,500.


Do Russian blues get along with dogs?

Russian Blue kittens do best with families who have older children. This is to help prevent children from rushing out and startling them. If they’re raised since kittenhood with a cat-friendly dog or children, however, they’re able to get along well with everyone easier.

Can Russian blues walk on a leash?

“The Russian Blue is a very intelligent cat who is quite adept at problem solving, and can be trained quite easily… They can be taught to walk on leash, and some owners have had success with training their Russian Blue to use the toilet.”

Do Russian blues like to be held?

While we wouldn’t dare speak on behalf of all Russian Blues, the breed is known to be incredibly affectionate, especially with their favorite humans in the household. They can be aloof with those they don’t know well, but they may enjoy being held and cuddled so long as they feel comfortable in your presence.

Can Russian blues be aggressive?

Russian Blue cats are not inherently aggressive, but they can exhibit aggressive behavior under certain circumstances. Aggression in cats can be caused by various factors, such as fear, stress, illness, maternal instinct, territorial behavior, environmental change, or routine disruption.