are tomatoes harmful to cats

The answer is yes, but only red, ripe tomatoes. Unripe green tomatoes, as well as the leaves and stems of tomatoes, are not okay for cats. These green parts contain αlpha‐tomatine and αlpha‐dehydrotomatine which are toxic to cats. Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family, all of which contain similar toxins.

Meet the tomato: A healthy fruit for humans

Though many people are misinformed about how to classify tomatoes, they are a staple in the cuisine of many cultures worldwide.

The tomato is often called a vegetable. However, since it grows from a flower and has seeds inside, it is actually a fruit. Since tomatoes are primarily used in savory dishes, many people find it difficult to accept tomatoes as fruits because they are typically thought of as sweet treats.

We can group tomatoes with potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and even tobacco under the Nightshade family. The solanine alkaloid found in these plants is what makes them most well-known.

Alkaloids are nitrogenous chemicals that have effects on the human body and some animals (like cats). Cats are impacted by solanine when it comes to nightshades (as well as dogs and horses) Later on, we will delve deeper into the effects of solanine on cats.

Tomatoes aren’t the vegetable that many people believe them to be, but they’re still incredibly nutritious and beneficial to human health.

The best-known benefits of tomatoes are that they are a great source of vitamin C and potassium. Other bountiful benefits include folate, vitamin K1, lycopene, and fiber.

The main component of tomatoes, however, is water. This fruit’s composition is primarily made up of water (about 2095%), followed by fiber, carbohydrates, and other minor ingredients.

Are tomatoes healthy for cats?

Something isn’t always healthy for cats just because it’s good for humans. We also have distinct digestive systems and dietary requirements since we are distinct species.

Cats can’t always process certain nutrients from plant sources the same way humans can, even in situations where the need for particular nutrients, like potassium, overlaps.

That’s because cats don’t need any plant foods. Because they are obligate carnivores, cats eat almost exclusively meat and eggs.

Some nutrients are exclusive to meat and eggs, such as taurine. Since cats are unable to produce taurine, they must obtain it through food.

Moreover, the digestive system of cats is not designed to break down plants. They lack the enzymes necessary to break down plants and extract all of the nutrients they contain.

Plants are neither necessary nor beneficial for cats, despite the fact that recent research has shown that cats can quickly adapt to digest certain plant carbohydrates instead of meat proteins to make glucose.

A certified nutritionist should already be creating commercial cat food that is complete and balanced for your cat. Since this type of food gives cats all the nutrients they require, a tomato would only be considered a treat.

You should speak with a reputable veterinarian if your cat does require extra nutrients. It is generally not advised to give cats human food in place of prescription supplements.

Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?

The short answer is, “Not recommended.” According to ASPCA, tomatoes have something called solanine which is not only toxic to cats, it’s also harmful to horses and dogs. If the stems and leaves are ingested, they are at risk of stomach issues, lethargy, slower heart rate and more.

Nevertheless, the ASPCA notes that the ripe fruit is secure. Tomato paste is sometimes added to commercial pet food brands’ ingredients lists, but since paste is typically made from small amounts of ripe tomatoes, this shouldn’t be a cause for alarm.


What happens if a cat eats a tomato?

Cats’ gastrointestinal systems are not designed to digest tomatoes, and if eaten in larger quantities, they may cause stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. It is important to note that green tomatoes that are not fully ripened, as well as their stems and leaves, pose a bigger danger to your cat.

Can cats be around tomatoes?

The short answer is, “Not recommended.” According to ASPCA, tomatoes have something called solanine which is not only toxic to cats, it’s also harmful to horses and dogs. If the stems and leaves are ingested, they are at risk of stomach issues, lethargy, slower heart rate and more.

What vegetable is toxic to cats?

Though cats can eat some vegetables, onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, shallots, and chives are particularly harmful to cats, causing gastrointestinal problems and even damage to red blood cells. Foods containing these vegetables and herbs, such as garlic bread, should be avoided, as well. Xylitol.

Can cats be allergic to tomatoes?

Feeding them tomatoes can further destabilise their digestive health. Allergy-prone cats—Tomatoes have histamines, which can be a potential trigger for cats with various food allergies, especially in allergy-prone breeds like Siamese cats. Other histamine-rich foods include bananas, chocolate, cheese, and nuts.