can a cat eat blueberries

Blueberries are safe to eat as a treat. But it’s important to note that 90 percent of a cat’s diet should consist of a complete and balanced cat food. Ensure blueberries and any other cat treats you feed consist of no more than 10 percent of their diet. Two to three blueberries are an appropriate amount.

Can Blueberries Be Bad for Cats?

Most cats can safely be given blueberries as a treat in moderation—no more than two or three berries every few days.

On the other hand, blueberries are extremely sweet because of their high sugar content. This elevated sugar content may lead to blood sugar surges, which could pose a serious risk to cats with diabetes or those with delicate digestive systems. These worries are greatly exacerbated by the possibility that cats’ increased intake of sugars and carbohydrates could lead to obesity.

Blueberries are best viewed as an occasional treat rather than a beneficial component of a diet. Additionally, see your veterinarian before giving your cat blueberries as a treat if it has any health issues, particularly diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, or pancreatitis.

Should cats eat blueberries?

The majority of berries do not pose a threat to cats, but fruit is not a natural food source for cats and is only consumed in the wild when they are in need of something and cannot locate a more suitable substitute.

Berries are not a substitute for an appropriate diet. For your cat to remain healthy and energetic, a balanced and comprehensive diet is necessary, regardless of whether they prefer dry, semi-moist, wet, or even raw food.

There are a lot of carbohydrates in blueberries, either as fiber or as fructose. One thing your cat should absolutely avoid is sugar from carbohydrates. The largest problem cats will have from eating blueberries on a regular basis is weight gain from consuming too much sugar.

What do blueberries contain?

Blueberries are regarded as a human superfood because they are rich in:

  • Vitamins C and K
  • Antioxidants for cell health
  • To support bone structure, include iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and manganese.
  • Potassium to lower blood pressure
  • Fibre for gut health

Although blueberries are well known as a food for humans because of these components, cats have very different nutritional needs.

Though they may be appealing, berries of all kinds are extremely high in sugar.


Is blueberry toxic for cats?

Can Cats Eat Blueberries, Raspberries, Cranberries, and Blackberries? Yes, cats can eat other berries. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and cranberries are all safe for cats to eat. They are high in antioxidants, flavonoids, and fiber, as well as vitamins A, C, K, and E.

What fruits can cats not eat?

Cats should not be fed grapes or raisins as they can lead to kidney disease and organ failure. Citrus fruits (such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes) are also mildly toxic for cats and can cause a stomach upset.

Why do cats love blueberries?

Cats are carnivorous and due to their meat-eating appetite, cats lack taste receptors for sweetness. Scientific American explains they likely won’t be too excited by a sweet treat of any type, much less blueberries. If cats like blueberries, it is likely due to the texture.

Can cats eat blueberry little bites?

Luckily for our kitties, they’re safe to share. “There is nothing harmful about blueberries for cats,” says Dr. Maryanne Murphy, clinical assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Tennessee. In fact, there are even some commercial cat foods and treats that list blueberries as ingredients.