can a cat get kennel cough

Yes, cats can get kennel cough but it is very rare. When it does occur, it’s usually in shelters or other places where there are many cats close together and may be more easily spread from an affected cat to healthy cats. Dogs are typically more prone to this condition.

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Does it seem like your dog or cat has a cold? Although your pets cannot contract the same cold that you contracted from your neighbor’s preschooler, they can contract a similar illness known as kennel cough. To find out how to prevent, identify, and treat this illness in your pet, continue reading.

Cats living with another pet that has contracted kennel cough, cats in crowded environments (such as shelters or pet stores, and even more so if hygiene at the facility is subpar), and cats who travel, spend time outside, or are regularly around other pets are the cats most at risk of contracting kennel cough.

Many medications are toxic to cats, so always check with your veterinarian before giving them at home!

Humans may contract kennel cough from a dog or cat that is infected. However, for adults with a healthy immune system, it’s incredibly rare and unlikely to cause a serious illness.

Although there is a vaccine against bordetella that is approved for cats, it is rarely used because cats rarely contract the disease and its symptoms are typically mild. Many veterinary clinics don’t even keep the vaccine in stock. In certain situations, like with young cats in a shelter, it might be helpful.

Additionally, certain conditions (stress, poor ventilation, smoke exposure, etc. ) can have a negative impact on a cat’s immune system and increase their susceptibility to a number of infectious respiratory illnesses.

What Is Kennel Cough?

Infectious tracheobronchitis, a highly contagious respiratory disease that can strike both dogs and cats, is commonly known as “kennel cough.” Bordetella is one of the most frequent causes of kennel cough in pets; it functions similarly to the common cold in people. Similar to a cold, if left untreated, it can result in more serious conditions like pneumonia. Usually, Bordetella bronchiseptica, which is transmitted by both direct contact and airborne particles, is the cause.

This disease is not only extremely contagious but also capable of spreading to other species. The other humans in your home, your dog, and your cat can all contract this illness from each other, though there is little chance of this occurring. Nevertheless, very young children, the elderly, and anyone with a weakened immune system in the home should not be around a sick pet.

The bordetella bacteria can be acquired from contaminated surfaces in addition to direct contact, coughing, and sneezing. After handling your pet, make sure to properly wash your hands, as well as his bedding, toys, and food and water dishes.

Although the illness affects dogs and cats slightly differently, there are some signs that they may share. Keep an eye out for these clues:

  • Coughing, which is more common to dogs than cats
  • Respiratory distress
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal discharge
  • Exercise intolerance in cats
  • Runny, goopy or crusty eyes
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Appetite loss
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the lower jaw or armpits


How do you treat kennel cough in cats?

Treatment for Kennel Cough in Cats Commonly, treatment includes antibiotics, cough suppressants, and/or immune system supplements for cats. Kitties with severe symptoms or pneumonia may require hospitalization and more intensive care.

What does kennel cough sound like in a cat?

The most common indication of kennel cough in cats and dogs is an unpleasant-sounding cough – dry hacking or honking noises sometimes followed by retching. Other symptoms may include a runny nose, sneezing, listlessness, and, in more severe cases, lost appetite, depression, and a low fever.

How long does kennel cough last in cats?

Cat kennel cough is usually a short-lived infection and gets better in about a week, but it’s really important to get your feline friend checked over by a veterinarian if they show signs of kennel cough so that you can get your cat the right treatments and rule out other infections with similar signs, such as cat flu.

What are the symptoms of Bordetella in cats?

Bordetella infections in cats cause mild sneezing, coughing, nasal and ocular discharge, and fever. However, in rare situations (particularly in young kittens and under intense stress), the infection may be more serious and end in death. Symptoms often persist for 7 – 10 days.