can a cat get shingles

So, in a sense, cats do become infected again, but they do not get shingles in the true sense of the word, as the clinical signs of shingles in people are much different from the symptoms of a recurrent herpesvirus outbreak in cats.

How can the virus be killed?

If disinfectants come into contact with every surface that is contaminated, they will effectively eradicate the virus from the environment. When used as a disinfectant, a bleach solution (1 part regular bleach to 32 parts water) works well on surfaces and other bleachable items. It is recommended to immerse contaminated items in a bleach solution for a minimum of five minutes. Toys and blankets can also be sanitized by routinely washing them in the machine with hot water and detergent. If an object cannot be bleached, it can be thoroughly cleaned with lots of soap and water to decontaminate it. Although furniture typically only acts as a virus source for a brief amount of time after being contaminated by an infected cat, upholstery shampoo can help decontaminate it.

Hands can be sanitized with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after being in contact with an infected cat by first washing them with soap and water and making sure to use a nail brush to clean under the fingernails.

Stressful environments and weakened immune systems make cats more vulnerable to the virus. When infected, they are more likely to be sicker and to experience ongoing herpes problems. Regrettably, herpes infection is common among cats originating from catteries and is widespread in animal shelters. Poor diet and coexisting conditions make herpes infections more difficult to treat and take longer to heal. Genetics also influence the severity and susceptibility of symptoms.

Over 80% of cats with an infection carry the herpes virus in their bodies for the remainder of their lives, which is known as a latent infection. Stress triggers a recurrence of symptoms in chronic feline herpes carriers. These cats may experience stress from relocation, boarding, surgery, having other pets in the house, or from anything that alters their living space. The most typical recurring symptoms are conjunctivitis, clear discharge, and sporadic sneezing fits.

In cats, the Feline Herpesvirus may be linked to 90% of upper respiratory infections (URIs) (E2%80%99s). The disease is rarely life threatening but is extremely prevalent. The most typical symptoms of feline herpes include conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the eyes, sneezing, and appetite loss. The majority of impacted cats have mild symptoms that go away after two weeks.

Written by Dr. The Cat Care Clinic in Orange, California’s Wexler-Mitchell Copyright © 2011 The Cat Care Clinic

If you adopt a cat with herpes, exercise patience and follow your veterinarian’s recommended course of action. If you are a carrier of herpes and wish to avoid a recurrence of symptoms, reduce stress in your home by maintaining cleanliness, having adequate ventilation, avoiding confrontation, and limiting the number of cats in your home.

How is FVR diagnosed?

Upper respiratory diseases in cats can be caused by a variety of infectious agents (refer to the handout “Feline Upper Respiratory Infections”), and the diagnoses for each illness vary slightly. A cat’s clinical symptoms and medical history, along with the results of a physical examination, are the main factors that lead to an assumed diagnosis of FVR, especially if the cat exhibits symptoms of a corneal infection. Fluorescein dye staining of the cornea is frequently done to check for any potential ulcers. Since reduced tear production has been linked to FVR conjunctivitis, a Schirmer tear test to measure tear production may be helpful in supporting an FVR diagnosis.

It is possible to identify FVR virus particles specifically by obtaining cell and discharge samples from the nose, eyes, or back of the throat. The most sensitive test currently available for identifying infection by FHV-1 is polymerase chain reaction amplification (PCR) testing for feline herpesvirus DNA identification. Unfortunately, diagnostic testing is typically not beneficial if the virus is latent.


Can animals get shingles from humans?

NO! Varicella-zoster is a human virus. It is not zoonotic, which means that it can’t bounce back and forth between pooches and their owners. However, the illness we know as shingles does have a distant cousin, known as canine herpes virus (CHV), that causes a lot of the same symptoms.

What does cat pox look like?

These develop into well-defined, circular ulcers about 0.2 to 0.4 inches (0.5 to 1 centimeters) in diameter. The sores become covered with scabs. Healing is complete in about 6 weeks. Many cats show no signs other than the affected areas of skin, but about 25% develop mild nose or eye infections.

What are the symptoms of calicivirus in cats?

At first the cat will have symptoms that look like a cold, with sneezing, nasal congestion, fever and sometimes drooling. Large amounts of discharge can come from the eyes and nose. In more severe cases, cats can also develop inflammation and ulcers on the tongue, and the lining of the mouth.

Can a cat catch chickenpox?

Varicella is a humans-only virus, meaning you can’t get chickenpox from a pet, or cause your dog or cat to become ill if you’re sick. This is good to know since some infections that cause a rash, such as ringworm, can be transmitted between humans and animals.