can a cat go a day without eating

What does it mean if my cat won’t eat? The most common underlying reason for a cat to stop eating is due to illness. However, that’s not to say that there can’t be something else affecting your cat’s appetite, so it’s best to monitor them closely. If they still haven’t eaten after a day, you should call your vet immediately. The sooner the reason is identified, the sooner treatment can begin so your cat can start to feel better.

  • Dental/tooth pain, infections, or injuries (such as inflamed gums, an abscess, a broken tooth, oral tumors, or other inflammatory issues) that can make eating or chewing difficult
  • Gastrointestinal issues (including parasites, colitis, gastroenteritis, or cancer)
  • Kidney disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Digestive obstruction, indigestion, or constipation
  • Recent vaccination or medication
  • Depression, stress, or anxiety (this includes significant alterations to your cat’s routine or environment)
  • New food
  • Metabolism might be slowing down, especially in older cats
  • They might be full because cats that live outside frequently find food to eat.

How long can my cat go without eating?

Like people, cats can go longer without food than water. Cats can go without food for approximately two weeks, but they can only go without liquids for three days. But the longer your cat goes without food, the weaker they get, so if you think they haven’t eaten in a day or longer, make sure to get in touch with your veterinarian. With any luck, they can identify the cause and help your cat resume a regular feeding schedule.

How long can cats go without water?

Cats can go two to three days without drinking, but they will become dehydrated after a day. Their organs are subsequently stressed by dehydration, which can result in additional issues like organ failure. Cats should have access to fresh water every day. But, if your healthy cat appears to be drinking little and only eats wet food, don’t worry; cats can obtain a large amount of their water intake from their food.

Cats’ ability to survive without water also depends on their surroundings; in warmer climates, they are more likely to become dehydrated quickly. This is something you should remember if you see your cat not drinking water.