can a cat spay fail

This isn’t as uncommon as one might think. Spaying is the removal of the ovaries and uterus. However, sometimes a vet can fail to remove all of these parts (they might incorrectly assume the animal was born with one ovary, etc.)

How long will my cat stay in the hospital?

Some veterinary professionals feel that the first night of confinement aids in the healing of the incision; some hospitals prefer to keep surgical cases overnight so they can rest in a suitably confined area. Most spay clinics and some hospitals will release the cat the same day as surgery so that she can be watched at home in case there are any issues. Both approaches are acceptable and primarily rely on the philosophy and preferences of the physician who is in charge of policymaking.

Causes of Heat Signs in Spayed Cats

It’s possible that estrogen is still being produced by ovarian tissue in a spayed cat if it exhibits signs of heat. This can happen for a few different reasons. Rarely, during surgery, a tiny fragment of ovarian tissue may be left behind, enabling ongoing estrogen secretion and thermal cues. In rarer instances, if a tiny bit of ovarian tissue unintentionally fell back into the abdomen during the spay procedure, it might be able to grow a new blood supply and continue to release estrogen. In these situations, a female cat may have accessory ovarian tissue that is distinct from the main ovaries and may continue to do so after the spay procedure. It is possible that owners won’t immediately notice a change in their cat’s behavior, and it might take months for them to show symptoms of heat.

After being spayed, a cat exhibiting heat symptoms should visit the veterinarian right away for testing. In order to ascertain whether hormone levels are high and consistent with active ovarian tissue, this frequently involves blood work. Though it is typically fairly tiny, imaging tests like ultrasounds are occasionally used to search for the remaining reproductive tissue. Once an ovarian remnant has been identified in a pet, surgery should be done to find and remove it. This will put an end to undesirable heat-related behaviors and lower the chance of developing diseases like mammary cancer and stump pyometras that are brought on by continuous estrogen exposure.

Because we love them as much as you do.

By Wendy C. Brooks, DVM, DipABVP

The benefits of cat spayingSpaying your cat is an important part of basic cat health care. Cat spaying at a young age prevents mammary cancer and spaying at any age prevents unwanted kittens, noisy heat cycles, and possibly even urine marking in the house. The following is a list of frequently asked questions gleaned from years of veterinary practice as well as from answering questions online. We have found that even though the cat spay is a routine and commonly performed procedure, many pet owners still have questions.


Can a cat still be pregnant after being spayed?

If there is any question, make it clear to your veterinarian what your wishes are should your cat be found pregnant. The incision can be closed and the pregnancy can proceed or the spay can proceed and the developing kittens will be removed along with the rest of the uterus.

Can spaying a cat go wrong?

While the complications from spaying a cat are low for healthy, young felines, they can still happen. In some cases, post-operative complications might include inflammation or infection at the incision site, the incision could re-open, or swelling under the skin at the incision site can also occur.

Can a spayed cat still go into heat?

If a spayed cat shows signs of heat, it is possible that there is ovarian tissue still in the body and producing estrogen. This can happen for a few different reasons. In rare cases, a small piece of ovarian tissue could be left behind during surgery, allowing continued secretion of estrogen and signs of heat.

Why does my cat look pregnant after being spayed?

Causes of False Pregnancy in Cats Only unspayed female cats can experience false pregnancy, but the condition can also theoretically occur a few days after spay surgery. This phenomenon is likely related to the sudden decrease in hormone levels after a veterinarian has removed a female cat’s reproductive organs.