can antibiotics give cats diarrhea

Antibiotics, like all medications, have side effects. Taking a course of antibiotics can upset your pet’s stomach and cause vomiting or diarrhea, in some cases.

What should I do if my cat has side effects from their medication?

Consult with a vet if you are concerned that your cat is not responding well to medication. It can be difficult to know if GI symptoms are the result of the medication or if they are caused by something else. Cats are especially sensitive to anti-inflammatory drugs, and a vet must be contacted immediately if GI symptoms occur when taking these medications.

Consult a veterinarian about possible side effects before administering any new medication, as well as how to handle them should they arise. Never administer extra medication without a veterinarian’s approval as this may result in harmful drug interactions or the ineffectiveness of one or both medications. Finally, do not stop the medication without a vet’s instruction.

An online veterinarian can provide prompt, professional assistance if you are unsure of how to administer medication to your cat, the appropriate dosage, or the safe storage of the medication. In addition, they can advise you on what to watch out for in case side effects become an issue.

Which medications are associated with GI side effects in cats?

Though most side effects are fortunately rare in cats, all medications have the potential to cause them. Before giving medications to their pets, a lot of pet parents read the package inserts to learn more about the products. While reading the package insert is a good place to start, it can be challenging to understand the information without further medical background. Every time your cat starts a new medication, it’s important to ask the veterinarian about potential side effects and what to watch out for while your pet is taking the medication. Some common feline medications associated with GI side effects include:

Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria when your cat has an infection. Unfortunately, many antibiotics also kill beneficial bacteria within the digestive tract that promote gut health and digestion. As a result, vomiting and diarrhea can occur. Examples of common antibiotics used in cats that may cause an upset stomach are:

Giardia, bacterial infections, and other infections linked to diarrhea are commonly treated with metronidazole. Because the medication tastes extremely bitter, cats who taste it while it’s being administered frequently foam at the mouth. The phenomenon of foaming at the mouth right after attempting to take medication is a physiological response to the taste of the pill, which eventually goes away. Ask your veterinarian for a different medication formulation, such as a liquid for oral dosing, if your cat is having trouble taking its medication. This will make it easier for you to give your pet the medication.

Anti-inflammatories and pain control medications

Medication used to treat pain and inflammation may irritate the lining of the stomach, causing upset stomach. Medications in this category include:

Cats are particularly sensitive to anti-inflammatories. Cats are toxic to many medications used to treat pain and inflammation that are safe for other animals to take. When it comes to treating a cat’s pain and inflammation, close collaboration with a veterinarian is essential. Never give an anti-inflammatory or pain reliever to a cat that is not prescribed for them. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen, two human medications, are extremely toxic to cats.


What to do if cat has diarrhea from antibiotics?

First, call your vet and discuss stopping the antibiotics. Your vet is likely to recommend a probiotic to help with the diarrhea, or will change the medication if possible.

Do antibiotics have side effects on cats?

Unfortunately, some cats can be allergic to certain antibiotics, and occasionally allergic reactions can be serious. Always consult your vet if you have any concerns and look out for the following signs: Skin rash. Fever.

What can I give my cat for diarrhea?

Treatments for Cat Diarrhea In many cases of simple diarrhea in adult cats, it is recommended to withhold food for 12-24 hours, and provide small amounts of water frequently. Then, a bland diet such as boiled (fat-free) chicken and rice is offered in small amounts.

How do you settle a cat’s diarrhea?

Common at-home remedies for cats with diarrhea include temporarily withholding food, probiotics to reintroduce beneficial gut bacteria, or feeding a bland food diet.