can i force my cat to drink water

You must get to know your cat’s food and water preferences. For instance, some cats like drinking water from a water dish while some like using a cat fountain. You want to try to encourage them to drink. However, you should never force them.

10 ways to encourage your cat to drink water

Owning a cat has made you aware of their stubborn nature. Because of this, you might need to think outside the box to get them to drink more. The good news is that you can try a lot of different tactics and techniques, most of which are simple to implement.

What are the signs that my cat may be dehydrated?

Dehydration is a serious threat to your cats health. Cats that dont drink enough water can quickly become dehydrated. Here are some methods to see if your cat might be dehydrated.

  • Skin Elasticity: To test the elasticity of your cat’s skin, gently pinch the area between their shoulder blades where it forms a tent shape. Your cat’s skin should return to normal in less than a second after you release it. Your cat may be dehydrated if their skin doesn’t immediately snap back.
  • Look closely at your cat’s eyes to see if they have sunken. Dehydration could be the reason behind your cat’s eyes appearing sunken, dull, or lacking focus.
  • Dry Mouth – Examine your kittys gums. Your cats gums should always be pink and moist. If you press your finger against your cat’s gums, the area you press will turn white; however, if your cat doesn’t go back to a normal pink color in a few seconds, your cat might be dehydrated.
  • Constipation – Do a little box check. When cats are dehydrated they often become constipated. In case your cat hasn’t been pooping as much as usual, it could be due to dehydration.
  • Panting – Unlike dogs, cats dont often pant. If your feline friend is panting they may be dehydrated.

Call your veterinarian immediately if your cat is exhibiting symptoms of dehydration. When the aforementioned symptoms appear, your cat is probably severely dehydrated and in need of veterinary care. Dehydration in cats can be fatal.

The dangers of not drinking enough water

While dehydration is bad for most animals, cats are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Some of the most common dangers include the following:

Dehydration. When cats become dehydrated, various bodily functions can be impaired. Maintaining proper body temperature, lubricating joints, breaking down food, and supplying the body with oxygen and other nutrients are all facilitated by adequate hydration. Cats that are dehydrated may exhibit weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite, dry mucous membranes, and, in more extreme situations, eyes that are sunk into their sockets.

Urinary tract infections. Insufficient water intake in cats increases the likelihood of concentrated urine containing substances that irritate the urinary tract and lead to UTIs. Cats that are well-hydrated are better equipped to eliminate toxins that cause infections.

Kidney stones. When a cat doesn’t urinate frequently enough, a buildup of calcium oxalate Trusted Source Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary school. Go to source — a mineral that exists naturally in their body — can occur in the urinary tract. That buildup is otherwise known as a kidney stone, which can grow larger over time and eventually cause medical complications that require surgery.

Bladder stones. All forms of minerals that can accumulate in a cat’s urinary tract are included in bladder stones. More precisely, they can indicate an accumulation of struvite, which cats naturally have in excess like calcium oxalate. When either mineral is present in high concentrations, urine crystals that have the potential to develop into stones form. This is how bladder stones arise. Laser treatment or surgery is often required in these cases.


Is it bad to force my cat to drink water?

No matter how dehydrated you think your cat is, never force them to drink water. Even if you get a little in their mouth, it likely won’t be enough water to help them feel better, and it can create an aversion to drinking water. In dire cases, your vet can administer fluids intravenously (IV).

Can I syringe water to my cat?

Fresh water should be available at all times. Healthy cats that eat canned food often drink very little because the food contains a high proportion of water; if your cat stops eating, she will need additional fluids. Fluids can be administered by mouth, using a syringe.