can i take my cat to germany

Vaccines. Rabies is the only immunization required for dogs, cats, and ferrets to enter Germany. One, two, or three-year vaccines are acceptable, as long as it was administered according to manufacturer guidelines, and is still current when your pet arrives.

Bringing Pets To Germany

Germany is a well-liked location for foreign nationals. Since it is the largest economy in Europe, there are many different job opportunities available all over the nation.

If you have pets in your household and you intend to move to Germany, there are a few things you should know before you move.

Here is our guide on moving to Germany with pets to help you get organized.

Your pet needs a microchip if you want to bring your dog or cat into Germany.

In the EU, cats and dogs must have an identifying number.

The microchip (ISO 11784/11785) needs to be inserted prior to your pet receiving a rabies vaccination.

If a tattoo was completed prior to July 3, 2011, it will be accepted.

Vaccinations Needed To Bring Your Pet To Germany

If you are entering Germany from another EU state or a third listed country, your dog/cat will need proof of a valid immunization against rabies. A primary rabies vaccine must given at least 21 days before entering Germany with your pet.

Your pet must enter Germany before the vaccine expires.

Before you can proceed to the next step, your pet needs to have received a rabies vaccination at least 30 days prior to your departure from a non-listed country (like Israel).

Rabies Antibody Titer Test – 3 Months In Advance!

Prior to entering the country, if your country is not on the list, your pet needs to pass a blood test for rabies antibodies with a minimum score of 0. 5 IU/ml.

At least 30 days following the rabies vaccination and at least three months prior to entering Germany, a blood sample should be obtained.

For animals coming from the EU or a third listed country, there is no requirement for the rabies antibody test.

If your pet is traveling to Germany, it must have an EU health certificate issued no more than ten days beforehand.

There are two types of health certificates: “non-commercial” and “commercial”.

The “non-commercial” health certificate is valid for up to five pets entering Germany within five days of the owner or another authorized individual.


Can I bring my cat to Germany with me?

If you would like to bring your dog or cat into Germany, your pet will need a microchip. It is a EU requirement that dogs/cats have an identification number. The microchip (ISO 11784/11785) must be implanted before your pet gets their rabies shot. Tattoos are accepted if they were done before July 3, 2011.

Can you travel to Europe with a cat?

Your pet must have a working microchip (also called a “transponder”) before getting its rabies vaccination for travel to the EU, and your veterinarian must always scan the microchip before giving your pet a rabies vaccination.

Is Germany cat friendly?

Germany has relatively pet-friendly regulations, and bringing your pet, especially cats and dogs, is a common practice. However, there are specific requirements and regulations regarding vaccinations, microchipping, and paperwork, so it’s essential to research and comply with these before traveling.

Is there a cat tax in Germany?

Once in Germany, you’ll need to follow the rules Your dog must be licensed, and there may be a tax to pay as well. This differs from one region and municipality to another, so you’ll have to ask. Your cat will be tax-free, and they won’t need a license.