can you catch pink eye from a cat

You may also be asking yourself, “Can I get pink eye from my cat?” The good news is that the humans in your household don’t have anything to worry about since you cannot catch pink eye from your cat.

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If you’ve ever had pink eye, you are aware of how bothersome and infectious it can be. However, it’s important to note that feline pink eye does exist as well. Sadly, treating and diagnosing conjunctivitis in cats is more difficult than in humans. Treating pink eye in your cat with over-the-counter human products is not recommended. Instead, continue reading to find out the signs, causes, and typical remedies that can assist your pet in the event that she develops this issue.

This condition comes in two varieties — infectious and non-infectious. For both kinds, the Cornell Feline Health Center advises to watch out for the same symptoms:

  • Redness around the eye
  • Fluid in the eye
  • White or yellow discharge at the corners
  • Eye watering excessively
  • Constant squinting or blinking

Not all of these symptoms need to be present in your cat for you to be concerned. You should contact your veterinarian if your cat appears to have any irritation in its eye. The only person who can diagnose whether these symptoms are conjunctivitis or something else entirely, like a clogged tear duct, is your veterinarian. Sometimes upper respiratory infections accompany conjunctivitis. You should take your cat to the veterinarian right away if she is wheezing or sneezing and her eyes are red and watery.

The infectious form of conjunctivitis is most often caused by a virus or bacteria. Viruses like feline herpes virus, also known as feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), can be the initial cause of inflammation, according to the journal Todays Veterinary Practice. The most common bacterial antagonist is feline chlamydophila, which can be accompanied by upper respiratory symptoms, says the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. Bacteria like Streptococci and Staphylococci can also move in and cause an infection while eyes are weakened by a virus, notes Cat World. Once your vet determines what is causing your kittys outbreak, they will decide the best form of treatment. The earlier you notice symptoms and get your cat seen by a vet, the better.

The non-infectious form of conjunctivitis in cats is often caused by allergens or dust particles irritating your pets eyes, notes Pet Health Network. Environmental irritants like mold, smoke, or shampoos can also cause redness or discharge. This is why it is important to have your vet diagnose what type of pink eye your cat is experiencing or if the irritation is caused by a disease. Knowing the cause of your cats pink eye will inform how you can treat and relieve your cats discomfort.

It will require prescription medication, time, patience, and probably some assistance to treat your cat’s conjunctivitis. The ASPCA states that the reason behind your cat’s issue will determine whether your veterinarian recommends an antibiotic or an antiviral. For the first few days, your veterinarian may recommend applying eye drops or ointment multiple times a day. To properly calm your cat and position her to apply drops, two people might be needed. Some antibiotics may also come in liquid or pill form.

While you might be tempted to “wait and see” or try a home remedy, only medication can help prevent the condition from getting worse and help your cat feel better right away. It’s critical to stick to the recommended course of action and ensure your cat completes the entire dosage as your cat begins to respond to the treatment and exhibit signs of improvement.

Have you noticed your cat pawing at their eye which, all of a sudden, has become red and swollen? Your feline friend might suffer from cat conjunctivitis. Find out what it means, what’s causing it and what you can do to help this uncomfortable eye condition go away.

It’s likely that your cat has cat conjunctivitis if you’ve recently noticed that they appear to have a sore eye or if they are rubbing it with their paw on furniture or the ground. Learn more about this eye condition and what to anticipate when you visit the vet while you wait for your appointment.

How is cat conjunctivitis diagnosed?

The veterinarian may first use anesthetic eye drops to numb the area if your cat appears to be in pain before looking for foreign objects, scratches, or wounds. Occasionally, a green dye may be applied, and when it is exposed to a strong blue light, it can reveal the location of the eye issue.

The medical history of your cat will also be helpful in determining the cause of the symptoms, since some cases of infectious cat conjunctivitis can recur and have periodic flare-ups.

Depending on how severe the condition is, the treatment usually entails using eye drops for a few days in a row or even a few weeks. These could be soothing eye drops to hasten the healing of a non-infectious case or antibiotic eye drops to combat bacterial cat conjunctivitis.

Giving a cat eye drops is often a team endeavour needing the participation of another family member. While they’re keeping the cat still with the head slightly tilted upwards you will need to gently open their eyelids and place the eye drops. If you need help you can also check out the International Cat Care useful videos showing how to examine a cat’s eye.

Because some cats are more peaceful than others, you may be able to hold the cat on your lap and use one hand to hold its eye open while the other applies the medication. Remember to give your courageous cat hugs and treats afterward.

Other treatments for cat conjunctivitis may include antiviral medication, oral antibiotics, or eye ointments, depending on the underlying cause.

Having your cat vaccinated against feline herpes virus, in particular, can help lower your cat’s risk of developing cat conjunctivitis. Make sure you don’t miss the cat flu vaccination deadline because the PDSA states that cats who have the flu frequently develop conjunctivitis.

When your cat is active and playing, try to take away any sharp objects that could injure them. But be advised that the cat claws themselves are typically the primary offender.

Viral cat conjunctivitis recurrent episodes can also be attributed to stress. When a cat is stressed, their immune system typically responds first. Your feline friend’s ability to fight viruses like the feline herpesvirus has decreased due to weak defenses.

To prevent dust particles from getting in their eyes, it’s a good idea to wipe the lashes of any young kittens in your home with a warm cloth.


Can cats spread pink eye to humans?

Feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) is the most common cause of conjunctivitis, especially chronic or recurrent cases. The virus hides in the nervous system and activates at times of stress or illness. It’s similar to the human herpesvirus-1, but this family of viruses is species-specific, so FHV-1 cannot infect humans.

Can I get pink eye from my pet?

Many people wonder if they can catch conjunctivitis from their dog? It may surprise you to learn that, while it’s very unlikely that you will catch conjunctivitis from your dog it is possible if the cause of your pup’s eye condition is a parasite such as roundworms.

Can cat fur give you pink eye?

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by your body’s reaction to an allergen that has come into contact with your eye. Some common allergens are pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. Allergic conjunctivitis isn’t contagious. However, bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are.

Can cats cause eye problems in humans?

Owning a cat is linked to Toxoplasmosis and the eye disorder, glaucoma. So, if you’re considered the “crazy cat lady” in your neighborhood, you might want to pay heed.