can you give cats pedialyte

Pedialyte is perfectly safe to give your cats, provided that it is unflavored and given in moderation. It may be ideal for cats recovering from diarrhea and vomiting and for cats with chronic kidney disease. As with anything, moderation is key, but Pedialyte is non-toxic and will cause no harm to your feline.

What can I give my cat for dehydration?

This depends on the level of dehydration. Examine the elasticity of the skin on your cat’s neck and the area above its shoulder blades for indications of dehydration. If the skin takes longer than a minute or two to return to its normal state, the dehydration is probably more severe than what can be treated with an oral rehydration solution. In these situations, your cat’s veterinarian should administer injectable fluids and identify the cause of their dehydration.

When there isn’t a visible “skin tent” and you want to give some basic support to stop further electrolyte loss and dehydration, Pedialyte is safe to use in moderation for brief periods of time, usually for symptoms that last less than 12 to 24 hours.

Is My Cat Dehydrated?

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to diagnose dehydration in cats, but if they are vomiting or have diarrhea, they can benefit from small amounts of Pedialyte. A quick and simple test for dehydration is to grab your cat’s neck skin between their shoulders and gently pull it up and then release it. Their skin should go back to normal quickly and easily, but if it doesn’t, they are likely mildly dehydrated. Also, check their gums, which should be moist to the touch and if pressed gently, should go back to their normal pink color immediately.

Other symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Lethargy
  • Dry mouth and eyes
  • Panting
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Change in character

About Pedialyte for Cats

can you give cats pedialyte

In homes with young children, Pedialyte is a popular over-the-counter oral rehydration solution that helps replenish electrolytes and prevent dehydration when vomiting or diarrhea is causing fluid and electrolyte losses. Important electrolytes that Pedilalyte contains include sodium, potassium, and chloride.

Pedialyte can also be used by adults for the same purposes or as a lower-sugar substitute for sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade, which usually have higher sugar content.

The most common packaging for Pedialyte is a one-liter liquid container, but it is also available in powder form for mixing. Pedialyte comes in a wide range of subtypes for use in sports, immune support, and other applications.

Cats can use Pedialyte, but usually only in mild cases of illness and with some moderation. Most veterinary professionals advise using unflavored classic Pedialyte in these situations.


What can you give a cat for dehydration?

If you suspect that your cat is dehydrated, contact your veterinarian for help right away. In the meantime you can try some home remedies to rehydrate your cat: Add a small amount of chicken broth or tuna juice to their water. Instead of dry food, try giving them wet food.

How much Pedialyte can a cat have?

The key to using Pedialyte for cats is using it in moderation and only using it in mild cases of GI upset to provide some basic support. Cats weighing more than 5 pounds can likely tolerate 1 to 2 milliliters every hour, either given by mouth or in a water bowl to provide electrolyte loss support.

Is there an electrolyte drink for cats?

If you are concerned about having an electrolyte drink on hand, there is a product made specifically for cats called KittyRade. Not only is this a great option for boosting your cat’s hydration, but it’s also packed with other nutritional benefits such as natural prebiotics, and essential amino acids including taurine.

How do you make Pedialyte for cats?

If you can’t do sub-Q fluids, syringe or bottle feed Pedialyte to the kitten before trying to feed it formula. A homemade version of an electrolyte solution is: one teaspoon salt, three teaspoons sugar mixed into one quart of warm water.