can you give cats pumpkin puree

Most cats will enjoy a bit of pumpkin mixed in with their wet food, or all by itself. You’ll want to buy the pure, cooked, pureed canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling with sugar and spice and everything nice) and start your cat on it by adding 1/2 teaspoon to your cat’s wet food once per day to see how he does.

Find food that fits your pet’s needs

Inquisitive cats are eager to try anything, including pumpkin, so don’t worry if your best friend is asking about your morning yogurt sprinkled with pumpkin granola or your holiday baking projects! Pumpkin is safe for cats. However, there’s a little more information about this well-known squash and how your pet can safely consume it.

Discover which pumpkin products to store safely in your kitchen, how to feed pumpkin to your cat, and the potential health benefits of this squash.

Can Cats Have Pumpkin?

While those sugary pumpkin pie slices, festive lattes, and spiced pumpkin bars taste great for us humans, cats shouldn’t be given them as treats. Although pumpkin can be digested by cats, pumpkin desserts and beverages that contain excessive amounts of sugar, fat, and spice are not good for them.

The Pet Poison Helpline explains that if your cat gets into the container of ground cinnamon or licks at a bottle of cinnamon essential oil or extract used to flavor your pumpkin treats, they may experience any of the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lowered blood sugar levels
  • Mouth and lung irritation
  • Heart or liver issues

The same goes for nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice; make sure to keep these spices away from your cat.

Is it safe for cats to eat pumpkin? Yes, as long as it’s cooked and plain. You can bake a fresh squash in your oven or purchase it in a can. If you decide to use a can, be careful not to select the pumpkin pie filling option as it is frequently seasoned. You want plain canned pumpkin, often packed with water.

Is Pumpkin Good for Constipated Cats?

Cats that are constipated are probably the most common patients for whom veterinarians suggest pumpkin. Constipation can frequently be relieved by the fiber and water content together. If a cat exhibits mild constipation, adding 2-4 teaspoons of canned pumpkin to canned cat food can help many of them respond.

Constipated cats should eat canned food because it contains more water in their system. The water and fiber in the canned pumpkin contribute to this. A common practice among veterinarians is to incorporate canned pumpkin into the main regimen for treating constipation.


How much pumpkin puree can I give my cat?

If you’re feeding wet cat food with pumpkin, follow the feeding guidelines on the package. As a rule of thumb, average-sized cats can safely eat 1 teaspoon of pumpkin purée once or twice a day with their regular food (just a half teaspoon for kittens or smaller cats).

Does pumpkin puree help cats with diarrhea?

The fiber in pumpkin can both reduce excess moisture in your pet’s digestive tract and add bulk to stools, helping to remedy diarrhea. The water in pumpkin also helps to alleviate constipation. The secret: moderation and portion control. Too much pumpkin may trigger loose stools.

Can cats eat raw pumpkin puree?

Cats can eat fresh pumpkin, served raw or cooked. When opting for fresh pumpkin, avoid feeding the stem, skin, or pulp to your cat, as those parts lack the nutritional value that the flesh of the pumpkin has. To feed your cat fresh pumpkin, simply chop it up into bite-size pieces or blend it into a purée.

Is pumpkin puree a dewormer for cats?

Pumpkin fiber helps trap ingested hair so that it passes through stool more regularly, rather than building up in the stomach. Deworm. Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitacin, which can weaken, and even kill intestinal worms.