can you take bengal cats for a walk

Sounds reasonable… so why should you not let your cat do all that?

Cats that are allowed to roam outdoors typically live far shorter lives than indoor cats. Road traffic accidents and fighting with or being attacked by other cats or even wild animals are the two main causes of that. Even though cats are smart animals, a small furry family member shouldn’t be exposed to a lot of outside risks. With Bengals and other pedigree cats, there’s an extra risk on top of these: that of theft. Unfortunately, there are some dishonest people out there who will jump at the chance to steal a beautiful or valuable cat.

Additionally, there could be a problem with your neighbors. Many cats prefer to use their neighbors’ lovely flower beds as a place to relieve themselves rather than their own backyard. It makes sense that the majority of people find this offensive, and some people will even go so far as to intentionally hurt or poison cats that engage in such behavior

Kitty Holster offers some advice on how to teach your cat to walk on a leash.

To fit your cat in the Kitty Holster, unfasten the Velcro, drape the harness across his back, and then fasten the collar and girth. Make sure the harness fits comfortably, snugly but not tightly. If there is a big flap on the collar or chest, or if the harness is too loose, you should get a smaller size.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] recently purchased the Kitty Holster cat harness for my Bengal cat after perusing the many glowing internet testimonials for this item. How well-made it was and how simple it was to put on and take off amazed me. Every other harness I tried was really challenging and stressful to put on. Additionally, this walking vest is far more comfortable than the conventional harnesses with two straps.

When directing your cat, always stand to the side and back of him and use diagonal or sideways resistance. He will move in the direction of least resistance.

Pick a secure outdoor area for your cat to walk; a quiet neighborhood, park, or your front or backyard are good options. Avoid busy or high-traffic areas as they may terrify him.

Things to consider if you decide to let your cat free roam

Allow them to stay indoors until they are at least six months old.

Make sure they are neutered; males are less prone to fight and won’t contribute to the increasing number of unwanted cats, and females won’t become pregnant and increase the population either.

Ensure they are fully vaccinated.

Get them microchipped. Some people also wear collars, but we don’t think those are a good idea because we’ve heard many stories of cats, even some purportedly “quick release,” being strangled by collars that get caught in branches and other objects.

We suggest keeping cats indoors during the night because they are more likely to encounter problems if left outside (higher risk of fights with other animals and traffic accidents).

Choose a cat flap that can read your cats’ microchips if you want to install one. Cats don’t need to wear collars for these, and they will stop neighborhood cats from entering your home, which will avoid all the issues that come with that, like marking their territory and stressing out your own kitties.


Can you take Bengal cats outside?

Your tiny leopard will benefit from outdoor activities, but you shouldn’t let them go out unaccompanied. Bengals are intelligent and can handle themselves pretty well in the great outdoors, but they are not immune to various dangers, including cars, parasites, diseases, and other animals.

Can Bengal cats go on hikes?

Don’t get one just to go hiking, bengals have a lot of energy. If you fail to harness train them and take them out everyday, you will have to supplement with a lot of at home enrichment and exercise. Many cats can be trained to walk on a leash and harness, just do your research.

Do Bengal cats like to be carried?

Your Bengal won’t usually want to be picked up and held as this breed is not fond of being confined. They are vocal and very active.