can you use dawn to wash your cat

While Dawn dish soap is safe for cats and many pet owners find it useful, you’re better off using cat shampoo specially formulated for a cat’s skin.

Bathing felines in Dawn

Using Dawn to bathe cats has the benefit of not requiring the entire animal to be submerged in a tub. No matter how well you have protected yourself with gloves and long-sleeved clothes made of sturdy fabric, that’s usually a recipe for mayhem. Add a couple of generous spritzes of Dawn to a bowl of warm water. Stir the mix thoroughly.

can you use dawn to wash your cat

can you use dawn to wash your cat

can you use dawn to wash your cat

Take a flea comb and dip it into the basin. Thoroughly brush the cat, putting fleas trapped in the comb’s tines in the sink to drown them. Continue combing the cat until it seems like there are no more fleas on it. Because fleas can breed quickly, it’s likely that you missed a few, so try again in a few days to be sure the cat is flea-free.

After your cat has been flea-free, give him a thorough brushing and towel drying. Unlike commercial pet shampoos, Dawn doesn’t require you to rinse your pet off because it shouldn’t create a lot of suds. The Dawn residue will help keep the flea population down. Ensure that kittens in particular are kept in a warm room until they have dried completely.

Although Dawn is relatively safe for cats, as Flea Science , the product is harsher than shampoos designed for felines. Thats why most owners use shampoos specifically created for cats if they must wash their pets. However, flea shampoos for cats are still too strong for kittens, and thats one reason Dawn has become a staple in the repertoire of rescuers and fosters caring for neglected kittens. Once the cats are old enough, its wise to use products meant to eliminate fleas on felines or give them a thorough washing rather than rely on Dawn.

When a cat needs to be bathed, Dawn can always be used as a last resort. However, never use Dawn on an animal that has an active skin infection. If so, take the cat to the veterinarian so they can get treated. Any cat that is bathed more than once a month will experience skin drying out; however, when it comes to fleas, one must weigh the risks of dry skin against the potential for disease-carrying bites from these insects.

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With more than 20 years of experience, Beth Turner is a veterinarian. After earning her degree from North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine, she started working as an associate veterinarian and closely collaborated with the nearby shelter.

2007 saw her realize her dream of opening her own clinic by creating and constructing it. In addition to operating her clinic, she fulfilled a significant role as the county’s shelter veterinarian. This allowed her to work with the rescue she loved and contribute to the betterment of many animal lives in her community. In 2019, she closed her practice to relocate across the nation.

A note for our readers: If you have an urgent question and are unable to ask your veterinarian, you can use the Ask a Vet service that will give you access to a veterinarian for 7 days for $5.

Only Dawn, original blue

Although dishwashing liquids may prove interchangeable for washing crockery, thats not the case when it comes to washing felines. Dont substitute Dawn for whatever dishwashing liquid is near your kitchen sink, and dont use any version but the original, blue Dawn. What special properties does Dawn have that other dishwashing detergents dont? As Pest Policy points out, this dishwashing liquid is especially effective at drowning fleas.

Dawn contains surfactants, which reduce surface water tension. This implies that fleas in water containing Dawn will drown rather than float to the surface and perhaps survive. Fleas have a waxy covering on their respiratory systems that prevents water from penetrating the body, making it difficult for them to drown. As the layer is broken by dawn, water enters the flea’s respiratory system and drowns it.


Can you bath a cat with Dawn?

Dawn dish soap is safe to use for cats as long as you use Dawn Original or Dawn Free & Clear. Other scented versions of Dawn contain artificial fragrances and dyes that can irritate your cat’s skin or respiratory system, especially in cats that already have skin or medical conditions.

What can I wash my cat with?

For small areas of dirt on the coat, a damp washcloth, pet wipe, or water-based baby wipe might be sufficient to clean your cat. For larger areas of coat contamination, baby shampoo, Dawn dish soap, unscented natural soaps, or plain water can all be used as a one-off.

Is it safe to wash pets with Dawn?

Dawn dish soap can be a safe choice to bathe your dog in rare circumstances, but it is not recommended as a regular shampoo.” Your dog’s skin can be sensitive to allergies, have different coat conditions, and even different pH levels than human skin, so this strong soap can be very irritating to their skin.

What soap is safe for cats?

Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap is safe and excellent as a pet shampoo. Our soap contains no synthetics or toxins and is a great choice for animals with sensitive skin or allergies. Not only can you use it for dogs and cats, but it’s a great cleaner for pets of all kinds!