do bunnies and cats get along

Pet cats and pet rabbits can co-exist in the home if properly introduced. However, it is important to always remember that cats are predators and rabbits are prey. If your cat exhibits predatory behavior, introducing a rabbit will put the rabbit in danger.

Why do Cats and Bunnies Get Along?

Bunnies are social animals. They prefer to live with a bunny friend or two. Rabbits that are single can form bonds with guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and people.

Many wild felines are solitary, but domestic cats have a range of different lifestyles. Some are solitary, but many feral domestic cats live in colonies. These colonies often have a dominance hierarchy, but how strict the hierarchy is can vary.

The bottom line is that a lot of cats enjoy having friends, and sometimes those friends can be bunnies if they are introduced properly.

How Do You Introduce a Cat to a Rabbit?

do bunnies and cats get along

In a recent survey by the House Rabbit Society, ten percent of respondents reported their cat and rabbit having a “close, loving relationship.” Two thirds reported that their cat and rabbit coexist peacefully, though they’re not best friends.

For the safety of one animal, the animals in the other cases had to be kept apart. It’s interesting to note that the rabbit attacked more than twice as frequently as the cat.

Some pets, like some people, will never get along. However, there are a few strategies you can use to raise the likelihood of a strong opening.

Any cat that will be interacting with rabbits should have its claws clipped in order to prevent the cat from accidentally or intentionally giving the rabbit a painful scratch.

Cats are predators and rabbits are prey animals. It seems pretty straightforward. But it’s not.

According to the House Rabbit Society, outdoor settings often trigger a cat’s predatory instincts. Indoors, however, many house cats are less likely to stalk or chase a rabbit.

Additionally, there are two rabbit instincts to take into account: dominance and territoriality.

Rabbits can be extremely territorial. Furthermore, rabbits live in groups with a hierarchy of dominance, whereas cats are solitary creatures. Rabbits frequently struggle with one another for dominance, and your rabbit might attempt to do the same with a cat.

Select a location that is the rabbit’s neutral territory when bringing a cat and a rabbit together. In order to lessen the environmental elements that can arouse your cat’s prey drive, that location should also be indoors.

do bunnies and cats get along

Everyone who has ever had a cat or a rabbit understands that each animal has a unique personality. Some individuals are outgoing, while others are shy. Some are more territorial than others.

Aggressiveness varies among individuals, too.

Before you start, assess your animals’ personalities.

If your cat is always bringing you birds, lizards, spiders, and other prey, and it has a strong prey drive, there’s a good chance it will also initially view a rabbit as prey.

Is your rabbit territorial? If it lunges at or even bites people who trespass into its territory, there may be a problem.

On the other hand, the likelihood of a successful introduction rises if both animals are placid and tolerant of one another.

It is one of the hardest pairings to form a bond between a timid or shy rabbit and an assertive cat. Your cat’s natural instinct might lead it to pursue your rabbit if it runs. Additionally, it may not be good news for the rabbit if it captures it, particularly if it is smaller.

A timid rabbit should first be housed in a cage before being introduced to a bold cat. Ascertain that the bunny has a place to hide if necessary, and make sure the two are never left alone. Additionally, confirm that the cat cannot pierce the cage’s bars with its paws.

Allow each of them to acclimate to the other’s appearance, sounds, and scents. Depending on your pets, this getting to know you period could take days or even weeks. Treat it the same way you would a rabbit: by making brief, frequent visits to ensure that neither is in a stressful situation all the time.

Try letting them be together without the barrier once they appear at ease with one another. However, never leave your family of pets alone, and always be ready to step in if needed.

A self-assured rabbit is probably going to be the more aggressive one, especially if it’s the same size or bigger than the cat. However, it’s a little different if your bunny chases your cat as opposed to the other way around. Even a hostile rabbit will usually give up chasing after they believe they have established their point.

Be sure to introduce your pets in neutral space, that is, a place that a rabbit doesn’t consider its own territory. If you’re introducing a large or grown rabbit to a kitten, the RSPCA recommends giving the kitten the same safety precautions as you would a rabbit. That is, a physical barrier at first, and a place to hide if they feel the need.

In this scenario, you could keep the cat inside while allowing the rabbit to go free.

The facts: Cats are predators, rabbits are prey

Obligate carnivores, cats may even be regarded as apex predators. Rabbits, of course, are herbivores. In the wild, larger carnivores and omnivores frequently use rabbits as prey.


Can a rabbit and cat live together?

House cats and rabbits can get along, but it’s not a sure thing. And you should never just throw them together. It’s easiest to match babies with babies, and it’s safest if the pets are of similar size. The process can take quite a while, but if it’s successful, it can be a happy match for everyone.

Are rabbits aggressive towards cats?

Rabbits can be bossy and territorial, sometimes causing a wary, defensive reaction from kitty. Ideally, kitty will leave if the bunny is being too bossy but watch out for defensive swipes — this is the most common way for a rabbit to be injured by a cat companion. Provide a safe place of retreat for each animal.

Will my cat get used to my rabbit?

Eventually, most rabbits and cats get used to each other. It’s just a matter of time and, in some cases, supervision.

Do cats eat bunnies?

Cats will hunt, kill, and potentially eat any small animal they encounter. This includes rabbits. It’s in their nature. With disease possible, it may be best if you try to prevent your kitty from eating a rabbit they catch.