do cats chase their tails

Tail chasing can be completely normal depending on the age of the cat and the environmental situation. Kittens are highly likely to chase their tails and some adult cats who are extra playful or bored when left alone too often may do it as well.

2. To Beat Boredom or Cure Stress

Your cat may be bored or stressed if they start attacking their own tail out of the blue. If this behavior has just started, you should consider your pet’s surroundings as they might not be getting enough stimulation.

Does your cat’s environment provide enough enrichment to keep them happy and occupied? If not, you may want to consider making a small investment in new toys, a cat tree, or wall-mounted climbing shelves to add some variety to your cat’s life.

The 8 Reasons Your Cat Is Chasing Their Tail

It’s possible that your cat is chasing its tail just for fun. While playing dogs are more likely to exhibit this behavior, many cats will chase their tail when they’re feeling particularly goofy.

Even when it’s their own tail, cats adore chasing moving objects. Your cat may be circling around, “on the hunt,” for their tail because they are innate hunters. When your cat behaves in this way when it’s feeling playful, there’s probably no reason to worry.

Feline hyperesthesia syndrome is a condition that causes some cats to chase their tails. Cats with this condition have extremely sensitive skin in one area, usually where the tail joins the back, and they may become aggressive if you touch it. Additionally, observe how the skin rolls or twitches along the cat’s back. Visit the veterinarian if you notice this behavior in your cat so they can determine the exact cause of your friend’s illness.

Just like humans, cats can suffer from allergies. The two most prevalent ones in cats are allergies to food and fleas. Naturally, your cat will be uncomfortable due to the redness, swelling, and itching that result from the allergic reaction. Contact your veterinarian if your cat exhibits any of these signs, whether or not they are accompanied by tail chasing.

The skin ailment known as “stud tail” is more prevalent in males who are intact. Blackheads, greasy, matted hair, and occasionally even an unpleasant smell are signs of stud tail in cats, which is caused by overactive sebaceous glands at the base of the tail producing an excessive amount of oil. Cats will appear to be chasing their tails in order to reach this itchy spot. If you think your cat may have stud tail, contact your veterinarian.

Some cats just enjoy having fun with their tail. This is particularly true for cats, who adore chasing after anything in motion. These young cats will discover as they get older that chasing prey and other objects that aren’t attached to their bodies is more beneficial. You should only examine your adult cat more closely if they appear to be obsessed with their tail, as this could indicate that they are in pain or discomfort.

Cats are prone to bite wounds, abrasions, fractures, and inflammation of the tail. When a cat is hurt, they will naturally attempt to lick the wound clean or massage the area to reduce pain. Your cat may therefore be seen chasing their tail to get to the painful area. Whether the wound is infected or not, you should probably get in touch with the veterinarian if you think your cat may have one.


What does it mean if your cat chases its tail?

Kittens and junior cats are likely to chase their own tail out of boredom or for fun, although it seems funny, it’s not a normal behaviour for adult cats, try and not reinforce this behaviour inadvertently.

Do cats actively control their tails?

Cats can actually control their tail wags (some movements are involuntary, though). The next time your cat flicks their tail, know that the invitation to play is intentional. On the other hand, if you’ve ever wondered why your cat slaps you with their tail, that’s probably on purpose, too.

Why do cats chase each other’s tails?

Sometimes cats will move their tails on purpose to encourage the other cat. Sometimes the other cat just decides to play. Stalking and biting during play is normal. Why do some cats lick you and then suddenly bite?

Why is my cat attacking his own tail?

Some cats will chase and even viciously attack their tails. This may arise as a form of play, especially if there is a lack of sufficient routine and stimulation, and may escalate to a more serious problem because of its consequences.