do cats eat a lot

Cats are typically grazers that eat small amounts throughout their waking hours during the day. Some cats never seem to be satisfied, no matter how much food you give them or how often they are fed. This can happen for many reasons, from simple boredom to concerning medical conditions.

Find food that fits your pet’s needs

  • When your cat finishes eating and begs for more, it could mean a number of things, such as boredom, a health problem, or just a need for extra calories.
  • Your cat may appear ravenous all the time for a variety of reasons, such as cancer, internal parasites, hyperthyroidism, or diabetes mellitus.
  • Since each cat is unique, consult your veterinarian for advice on what your cat should weigh in relation to its ideal body weight.

It should come as no surprise that your cat needs a healthy, balanced diet to live a long and happy life, but if you’ve ever wondered, “Why is my cat always hungry?,” it’s time to investigate your cat’s eating habits.

If your cat seems hungrier than usual, here are a few reasons why that may be the case: from simple ones such as plain boredom to more serious conditions needing the vet’s attention.

We tend to think of cats as fussy eaters rather than food obsessed, so when your beloved feline doesn’t stop asking for food, it’s normal to wonder if this is normal or if you should take them to the veterinarian. Is your cat acting constantly hungry?

Here are a few potential explanations for your cat’s constant hunger.

Always-hungry cats might actually not be all that hungry. Their incessant curiosity about “dinner” may be an indication that they are bored and need to eat. It’s crucial to keep your cat mentally and physically engaged, especially if they spend the majority of their time indoors. Cat trees and puzzle feeders are two ideas that are sure to keep bored cats occupied, even though it’s hard to duplicate everything that keeps cats active outdoors. For inspiration, see our piece on mental stimulation for cats.

Intestinal parasites may be the cause of your cat’s constant hunger and skinny appearance. These tiny organisms feed on the food that your cat eats, and occasionally they might leave behind insufficient nutrients to meet the cat’s needs. The pet will then request food more frequently or in greater amounts as a reaction. Your veterinarian can determine whether intestinal parasites are the cause of your cat’s voracious appetite and can recommend de-worming treatment if necessary.

Think about the amount of nutrients in your cat’s food if they continue to cry “hungry” despite eating a lot. Ensure that the five main nutrient groups—protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates—are properly balanced in your cat’s diet.

Use our feeding your cat guide to learn more if you’re unsure of what constitutes a healthy cat diet or how much to feed your cat.

The incapacity of cats’ bodies to absorb the necessary quantity of energy from their regular meals is another factor contributing to their constant hunger. Cats with diabetes have a reduced ability to metabolize glucose for energy, which is typically indicated by an increase in appetite. Other signs include increased thirst and urination. Keep an eye out for any abrupt behavioral changes, and don’t be afraid to call the veterinarian. If diabetes is the real cause, your cat’s appetite should return to normal with the right treatment.

A benign thyroid gland tumor that produces too much thyroid hormone is the cause of hyperthyroidism in cats. Weight loss despite an increase in appetite is one of the main symptoms, so if your cat is always hungry but skinny, be sure to look out for other symptoms and see a veterinarian for a diagnosis. Hyperthyroidism signs also include hyperactivity, panting or vomiting. Depending on the diagnosis, the condition may occasionally be controlled with prescription drugs, but other treatment options, such as surgery or radioactive iodine therapy, may also be suggested.

Another reason why cats might not be able to absorb nutrients as well is cancer, which would make them want more food to make up for it. Unfortunately, because cats tend to hide their discomfort, it can be challenging to diagnose cancer in them. However, keep an eye out for typical symptoms like fatigue, vomiting, or weight loss, and get in touch with the veterinarian as soon as you notice any strange changes.

Cats’ appetite changes as they grow older. This causes some cats to become more ravenous and seek out indulgent treats more frequently.

But before attributing your cat’s newfound fondness for food to aging, it’s best to have the vet rule out the medical conditions listed above. Check out our helpful guide to learn more about giving your senior cat the proper amount of food.

Without visiting the veterinarian, it can be challenging for the owner to determine why their cat is constantly hungry. Increased appetite is the first symptom of more serious underlying conditions, though the explanation could be as straightforward as the cat being bored and looking for something to do. For this reason, it’s critical that you take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as you observe any strange alterations to their usual eating routine.

Remember to monitor your cat’s health closely and schedule your yearly wellness and health examination. Next, learn more about the significance of routine cat veterinary examinations.

When a “Healthy Appetite” Is More Than “Healthy”

Your cat might be overweight if you have difficulty feeling their ribs or if you can’t tell where their waist is when you look down from above them. A consistent feeding schedule may be all that they need. Many cat owners decide to free-feed their pets, but for cats who lack self-control, this can result in weight gain and unfavorable health outcomes like joint disease and diabetes mellitus.

Keep in mind that your cat’s needs will change based on their size, energy level, and general health. Your cat’s age will also be a factor because, like humans, cats’ metabolisms slow down with age. Your veterinarian can advise you on the ideal weight and daily caloric intake for your cat.

In any case, you should consult your veterinarian right away if you can affirmatively respond to the question, “Is your cat always hungry?” They are able to identify whether the cat is eating out of boredom or whether there is an underlying issue.


How much should a cat eat a day?

To maintain a normal, healthy weight, Fetch by WebMD says that cats should eat between 24 to 35 calories a day, per pound. For an eight-pound cat, this would equate to 192 to 280 calories a day. To put this into perspective, a 5.5 ounce can of RAWZ turkey and turkey liver pate is 199 calories.

Do cats keep eating when full?

As a generalisation, The majority of domestic cats eat enough and don’t stuff themselves. Mostly, if you leave out dry food, they will just come and snack when they need, and not overeat; if they are fed at regular intervals, they eat what they need and stop.

Is it normal for my cat to eat a lot?

Key Takeaways: If your cat finishes their meals and asks for more, this may indicate anything from boredom or a medical issue to simply needing more calories. There are a number of reasons why your cat may seem to always be hungry, including hyperthyroidism, Internal parasites, diabetes mellitus, or cancer.

Why is my cat so hungry all the time?

If your cat is hungry all the time, it could be a sign of a serious health issue like hyperthyroidism, diabetes or cancer. This handy guide looks at possible causes of overeating, symptoms to look out for and what to do if you’re concerned about your cat’s feeding habits.