do cats get bladder infections

A sample of urine revealed a bladder infection. How did this happen? While urinary tract disorders are common in cats, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are fairly uncommon. Cats with UTIs try to urinate frequently, may pass only small amounts of urine, may strain to urinate, and may cry or whine when urinating.

Can Both Male and Female Cats Have Urinary Tract Problems?

All cats can get urinary tract problems. But male cats are more likely to have urethral obstructions. They have longer, thinner urethras than female cats. The smaller passage’s size and shape make it more likely to become blocked.

Urinary Tract Infection – Cat

While urinary tract problems are common in cats, urinary tract disease is more common in these furry friends than infections.

The majority of cats who experience urinary tract infections are 10 years of age or older, and they frequently also have endocrine conditions like hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus.

Your veterinarian will recommend an antibiotic to help treat your cat’s urinary tract infection (UTI) if it is determined that your cat has an infection like cystitis and is exhibiting symptoms of the condition (see below).

Urinating with difficulty, passing blood-tinged urine, reducing the amount of urine produced, not urinating at all, pain or discomfort during urination, and urinating outside of the litter box are the most typical signs of urinary tract infections in cats.

Your cat may have a urinary tract infection (UTI) if they exhibit any of the symptoms mentioned above, but they could also be signs of a feline lower urinary tract disease, or FLUTD.

What Are The Treatments for Lower Urinary Tract Problems?

When you take your cat to the veterinarian, the medical professional will check your pet for any wounds or other physical issues that could be aggravating the urinary issues.

The treatment will differ depending on the diagnosis.

Antibiotics Can Treat Cat UTIsÂ

Your vet will prescribe the right medication for your pet. They can offer you dietary recommendations to help ward off UTIs in the future.

Clearing Obstructions in the Urethra

Obstruction often requires hospitalization and is life-threatening. Urinary blockages do not always result in survival for cats, even with prompt treatment. To remove the blockage, the veterinarian will place a tube into the urinary opening and flush the region with sterile fluid. Follow-up care may be required as well.

Special Diet

In other situations, your cat’s bladder stones may dissolve with a specific diet. Your veterinarian might advise a particular diet to stop further stones from forming in the future.

How Can I Treat My Cats UTI at Home?Â

Cats frequently suffer from urinary tract infections, which can be upsetting and uncomfortable. A UTI may result in partial or total urethral blockage if treatment is not received. This may result in potentially fatal bladder rupture or renal failure. Â.

A cat UTI may be treated at home with various strategies and medications, contingent on the severity of the infection. Â.


Although cranberries are well-known for treating UTIs in people, they can also be used to treat UTIs in cats. Cranberries’ acidity can help treat a UTI in your cat and prevent it from returning by lowering the pH of the urine. But there won’t be a way to determine whether your cat is actually infected vs another issue.

Many cranberry juices are high in sugar. Alternatively, you can supplement your cat’s diet with cranberry powder, capsules, or pills.

You should check your cat’s urine pH levels before giving them cranberries. Cranberries’ acidity may help treat UTIs in some situations, but it may also exacerbate the illness in others. Cranberry supplements should only be given if your cat’s urine is excessively alkaline.

Apple Cider VinegarÂ

Additionally, you can eliminate and prevent harmful bacteria in your cat’s urine by using apple cider vinegar to lower the pH in their urine. Every day, mix half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into your cat’s food. You can combine it with beef or chicken broth to lessen the bitter flavor. Just watch out that the broth doesn’t contain onions, which are toxic to cats, and that it doesn’t have a lot of sodium.

Similar to cranberries, apple cider vinegar works best when your cat’s poop is excessively alkaline. The pH of your cat can be measured with at-home kits or diagnostic cat litter in addition to a trustworthy test performed by your veterinarian.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Although glucosamine and chondroitin are frequently used to treat arthritis joint pain, they can also lessen the symptoms of a feline urinary tract infection. Glucosamine has the ability to replenish a substance found in the bladder wall lining of cats. Chondroitin helps prevent this compound from breaking down.

By combining these two supplements, bladder wall damage can be repaired and bacterial damage can be stopped from spreading. This reduces inflammation and other UTI symptoms. You can give your cat 100 milligrams of glucosamine and 50 milligrams of chondroitin for every 10 pounds of its weight. Â.

Marshmallow Root

To help ward off a UTI, marshmallow root can destroy bacteria, lessen inflammation, and fortify the bladder’s lining. Additionally, it functions as a diuretic, a medication that aids in the kidneys’ removal of fluids like urine, increasing the flow of urine and clearing the bladder. Â.

A study found that marshmallow root contains mucilage, a sticky material produced by plants that has the ability to calm membranes and act as a barrier to support the bladder’s lining. Â.

Bone BrothÂ

Making sure your cat stays well-hydrated is crucial to treating a UTI in cats, in addition to treating the pH level and strengthening the bladder wall. This will assist in clearing the bladder and prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria. Â.

You can give your cat tasty liquids like bone broth to ensure they are staying hydrated. Make sure the broth has no sodium. This will not only give you the water you need, but bone broth has nutrients and minerals that can aid in the infection’s fight. It has been demonstrated that the organic substances called amino acids, which the body uses to make protein, such as arginine and glycine, in bone broth, reduce inflammation. Â.

Why Does My Cat Keep Getting UTIs?Â

Consult your veterinarian about treatment options if your cat suffers from diabetes, thyroid disease, or cancer.

Urinary tract problems in cats can be dangerous, so you shouldn’t ignore the signs. If you believe your cat is suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI) or another issue, give your veterinarian a call. Â.


How do you know if your cat has a bladder infection?

The most common symptoms of urinary tract infections in cats include straining to urinate, reduced amounts of urine, not urinating at all, pain or discomfort when urinating, passing urine tinged with blood and urinating around the house, outside of the litter box.

Will a cat’s bladder infection go away on its own?

Can a cat UTI go away by itself? A healthy cat with a strong immune system may fight off a mild UTI that doesn’t have symptoms. If you see any symptoms, your cat likely requires treatment and should see the vet.

How does an indoor cat get a urinary tract infection?

Urinary tract disease in cats is most often diagnosed in overweight, middle-aged cats who have little to no access to outdoors, eat a dry food diet or do not get enough physical activity, although cats of any age can get the condition.