do cats get colds and flu

Can cats get a cold? Yes! Feline Upper Respiratory Infection or ‘cat colds’ are very similar to human colds. Cat colds are typically not considered life-threatening, however, in some cases, symptoms may become severe and lead to a more dangerous secondary infection.

What are the signs of colds in cats?

You might observe that your cat is displaying one or more of the following symptoms if they have a cat cold:

  • sneezing
  • sniffles
  • watery eyes
  • runny nose
  • mild fever

Can cats get a cold?

Yes, they can. Your cat may have a cold if they sneeze or sniffle, but you may be curious as to how it got started in the first place. And, more crucially, how to steer clear of it going forward.

Just like colds in humans, cat colds are contagious. Because they are more likely to interact with other cats than indoor cats, outdoor cats are therefore more likely to contract the cold virus.

Bacteria or viruses are the main causes of upper respiratory infections (URI) in cats. Although it is not transmissible to humans, cats can readily contract it from one another, particularly in crowded areas. Therefore, if your cat was in close quarters with another cat who had an upper respiratory infection and you just boarded them and they are acting like they have a cold, it’s likely that your cat has a cold as well.

Selecting a trustworthy boarding facility can also lessen the possibility of raising your pet’s stress levels and decrease the likelihood that your cat will get a URI.

How did my cat catch a cold?

Sniffles and sneezing are symptoms of a cold in cats. Upper respiratory infections (URIs) brought on by bacteria or viruses are known as cat colds.

Just like colds in humans, cat colds are contagious. Because they are more likely to interact with other cats than indoor cats, outdoor cats are therefore more likely to contract the cold virus. The same holds true for felines that reside in boarding houses.

It is impossible for humans to catch a cat cold, but cats cannot catch a human cold.


Do cat colds go away on their own?

Most healthy cats are able to make a full recovery from a cat cold without medical intervention in about 7-10 days. If your cat experiences more severe symptoms and medical treatment is required, the recovery period may last longer and be harder, depending on how serious it was.

What are the symptoms of the cat flu?

Symptoms Its symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, discharge from the nose/eyes and sneezing. It can also cause drooling and severe mouth ulcers. More severe strains can lead to pneumonia. Stress or illness can cause flare-ups of the virus.

What can you give a cat for a cold?

If your cat has a cold, you can help them feel more comfortable by wiping their runny nose with a clean cloth, and runny eyes with a cloth and saline solution. You can also run a humidifier to help make the air less dry.