do cats have cannabinoid receptors

The most notable and intoxicating cannabinoid is THC. Cannabinoid receptors respond to certain cannabinoids to certain degrees. Cats have cannabinoid receptors just like humans. In fact, there are two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) found in all mammals (humans, cats, dogs), birds, reptiles, and fish.

How toxic is cannabis?

Although there is a wide range of intoxication patterns among humans and pets, cannabis is thought to have a high margin of safety for humans. There is no established safe level of exposure since a small amount may have a greater effect on some pets than others. Variations in body size, age, and health are a few of the elements that can cause toxicity disparities.

Luckily, cannabis intoxication is seldom fatal. The average marijuana cigarette contains about 150 mg of THC. Although there is a relatively high minimum lethal oral dose of THC for pets, deaths have been reported following ingestion of foods containing highly concentrated cannabis, such as medical-grade THC. Actually, until the development of medical-grade products, fatalities were extremely rare.

How do cats and dogs become intoxicated?

There are several ways that cannabis can make cats and dogs intoxicated, but the most popular one is by consuming edibles (e g. , cannabis-infused baked goods, candies, chocolate bars, and chips), or by consuming cannabis directly (in any form) Pets can also be exposed to second-hand smoke. The majority of exposures occur by accident when inquisitive animals find a way to obtain the drug or when they are in the same room as someone who is smoking cannabis. Compared to humans, dogs have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains, which means that cannabis has more potent and possibly toxic effects. For cats and dogs, a tiny quantity of cannabis is all that is necessary to be toxic.

To properly treat the patient, precise and comprehensive information is essential, regardless of the exposure method. For instance, treating a cannabis brownie through ingestion necessitates treating cannabis and chocolate toxicity, but treating a brownie through inhalation may require additional care for respiratory irritation.

What are the clinical signs of cannabis intoxication?

Many of the signs of intoxication are neurological. Pets may become wobbly and uncoordinated. They may be hyperactive or sleepy, disoriented, and/or very vocal. Their pupils might enlarge, making them appear to have wild eyes, and they might drool a lot or throw up. They may also develop urinary incontinence (i. e. , urine leakage). In severe cases, tremors, seizures, and coma can result.

Physical symptoms include a slowed respiration rate (breathing rate), fast or slow heart rate, and changed blood pressure. Moreover, lethargy and variations in body temperature may be noticed. Although these side effects are typically transient, they can still pose a risk and cause your pet great distress.


Can I smoke around my cat?

Cats that live in a smoky environment are at greater risk of developing asthma and lung cancer, which makes sense because cats have short noses. Unrelated to nose length, felines that inhale secondhand smoke also have a higher incidence of lymphoma.

How do you know if a cat is stoned?

THC interacts with these receptors — including the ones in their brain that affect mood. This is what causes that “high.” Cats experience a lot of the same side effects of being high, including a slower reaction time, dizziness, a change in mood, and an altered sense of reality.

Can cats have cannabinoids?

Is Marijuana Toxic to Cats? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, and it is indeed toxic to cats, though the exact amount that’s toxic isn’t known.

Can cats get high from vape smoke?

Quick Overview. Cats can take in toxic chemicals when exposed to second- and third-hand smoke from tobacco, e-cigarettes, and marijuana. When cats are exposed to marijuana they appear to become very agitated, dazed, and disorientated, which likely an unpleasant experience for them.