do cats have fast heart beats

A cat’s normal heart rate tends to range from 140 to 220 beats a minute. The more relaxed your cat is, the more likely he will be on the lower range of that scale. If he’s stressed or recently active, then he’ll be on the higher end of the scale or maybe even above that range.

What is Increased Heart Rate?

A cat’s heart rate should typically range from 140 to 220 beats per minute. His heart rate is usually lower at home than at the vet’s office because it should be lower when he is not excited. An elevated heart rate while at rest could be a sign of a more serious illness like congestive heart failure or cardiac arrhythmia. See your veterinarian for advice if your cat’s heart rate seems to stay elevated while he is lounging around the house.

Occasionally, your cat’s heart rate may change based on his environment and stress level. That being said, his heart rate shouldn’t stay high for very long. Youtube Play.

Increased Heart Rate Average Cost

From 524 quotes ranging from $200 – $200

Recovery of Rapid Heart Rate in Cats

If a metabolic condition is identified as the primary cause of the cat’s elevated heart rate, the prognosis is usually favorable. But over time, heart disease, cancer, and congenital issues could worsen, raising the risk of unexpected death. Your cat’s veterinarian will probably require regular checkups from them to keep an eye on any changes in their health.

Rapid Heart Rate Average Cost

From 515 quotes ranging from $200 – $2,000

Causes of Increased Heart Rate in Cats

There are several medical conditions that can keep your cat’s heart rate elevated. These are a few of the most typical reasons that cats experience:

Cardiac Arrhythmia

Your cat may have an excessively high or low heart rate due to cardiac arrhythmia. It may also result in irregular heartbeats and skip beats in him. This illness can be identified during a standard visit to the vet, but because of the stress the cat experiences there, the diagnosis is frequently overlooked. Many times, the owner notices odd behavior—like fast breathing or fainting—and visits the doctor to get a diagnosis.


Your cat’s heart rate may rise due to a higher metabolism brought on by thyroid issues. This disease develops when your cat’s thyroid produces more hormones than are necessary for him.

Congestive Heart Failure

Your cat’s heart develops congestive heart failure when it is unable to adequately circulate blood throughout the body. This causes the cat’s lungs to fill with fluid, which leads to congestive heart failure. An increased heart rate is one symptom of this condition.


What does it mean when a cat’s heart beats fast?

However, tachycardia in cats can have several causes, of which high thyroid levels are just one. Primary heart disease can be a cause, as can electrolyte imbalances, but the blood work would have ruled out the electrolyte cause. Masses in the chest may also need to be ruled out.

Do cat hearts beat faster than human hearts?

The human heart beats 110-140 beats per minutes. A cat’s heart beats twice as fast. A new born kitten heartbeat is 220 – 260 beats per minute.

Do cats heart beat fast when sleeping?

The heart rate can change quite a bit depending on the cat’s activity and it’s normal for their heart rate to be lower when they are sleeping.

What is the normal heart sound of a cat?

There are two normal heart sounds in the dog and cat: The ‘lub’ (S1), when the atrioventricular valves close. And the ‘dub’ (S2), when the semilunar valves close.