do cats kill bed bugs

Recent research has proven that cats can be used against bed bugs as well. Of course, some sort of training is required. Training a cat to spot out bugs and destroy them is fairly simple. Simply entice the cat with a reward; the rest is taken care of.

So, what exactly are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are insects in the family Cimicidae. Out of the various species that are parasitic on birds, bats, and other mammals, two are linked to humans: Cimex lectularius is a global species, while Cimex hemipterus is a tropical bug. These are tiny, wingless, brownish-red, 1–7 mm, blood-feeding insects, with adults roughly the size of a rice grain. They have two long, four-segmented antennae and six legs. As their name suggests, bed bugs are primarily found in places where people and animals sleep. They are most active at night, feeding on sleeping humans and animals between the hours of midnight and six in the morning. Females lay eggs in cracks and crevices (e. g. cracks in baseboards, headboards, box springs, bed frames, mattress seams, furniture joints, etc. ), places where bed bugs routinely hide while not feeding. The nymphs that emerge from these eggs are tiny copies of the adults. After 5 generations of nymphs, adults develop. Adults then mate and produce more eggs. Bed bugs feed on blood every 8 to 10 days in all stages (apart from eggs, of course), but they can go months without eating.

Why are bed bugs important?

As previously stated, these insects require blood to survive, and they will consume both humans and cats and dogs. Thankfully, there is no evidence linking bed bugs to any illnesses. Nevertheless, their bites can result in anemia, particularly in young children, pruritus (itchiness), allergic reactions, discomfort, insomnia, and stress. Furthermore, they can be very difficult to eradicate or control (particularly in multi-family homes and buildings), which can occasionally result in significant financial costs. Furthermore, the presence of bed bugs increases the exposure of people and animals to pesticides, as infestations may necessitate the use of insecticides. Therefore, it is crucial that these chemicals, if used, be used exactly as directed on their labels to minimize the risk of health issues from these potentially toxic compounds.

Parasites & Your Family

Bed bugs seem to be back with a vengeance! Many developed countries, including the U.S., where the bugs seemed for years to have been a thing of the past, are now having to contend with them once more. Although bed bugs have been unwelcome companions of people since ancient times, as their numbers dropped drastically in the 1940s and ‘50s (due in large part to the use of synthetic insecticides such as DDT and improvements in hygiene), so did American’s knowledge and vigilance regarding these pests. This fact, along with increased domestic and international travel, increased insecticide resistance in the bugs, increased transfer/re-use of used furniture, and increased “clutter” and belongings in our homes, have set up a perfect scenario for resurgence of these bugs. Once in our homes, these pests are hard and expensive to control and eradicate. Thus, preventing their introduction into your home is increasingly important.


Do cats sense bed bugs?

Can cats detect bed bugs? – Quora. Yes. They hear an smell them.

Can bed bugs live in cat litter?

The tiny granules of kitty litter absorb moisture, creating an inhospitable environment for bed bugs. As these critters crawl over the cat litter, their exoskeletons will get damaged by the abrasive granules, while the drying effect of the litter makes it difficult for the bed bugs to survive the ordeal.

Do bed bugs lay eggs on cats?

Bed bugs don’t lay eggs on their host, so rest assured that your pet is safe against nests in their fur. If you’re worried about bed bugs in your home, on your pet or elsewhere, give Ehrlich a call at 888-984-0186.

What kills bed bugs the fastest?

One of the most effective ways to kill bed bugs instantly is using diluted rubbing alcohol. This home remedy is a popular DIY method that involves filling a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spritzing it on the suspected areas.