do cats like living with other cats

Some cats are very social and enjoy living with other cats, while others prefer solitary lives. The individual personalities of the cats are more important than any other factor, such as sex, age or size. Be aware that the more cats you have, the higher the likelihood that there will be conflicts among them.

How do I know if my cats like each other?

When two cats are close, they will typically show overt indications that they belong to the same “social group.” These behaviors could include touching or sleeping right next to one another, grooming one another, and massaging one another’s bodies. They might regularly touch noses or give each other a quick meow as they walk by.

Getting littermates is a good idea if you’d like more than one cat because related cats get along better than non-family cats.

How do I know if my cats aren’t getting along?

Cats have limited means of expressing their emotions because they are not as social as people or dogs. Since there are often subtle signs of discord between cats living together, it’s vital to be aware of some of the more subtle behaviors that could point to tension. These could be excessive grooming; overeating or undereating; hiding; avoiding the other cat or cats; character changes like a decreased desire to play or seek your attention; soiling and/or urine spraying throughout the house.

Additionally, you might observe that a single cat prevents another from using essential areas like food, litter trays, walkways, and cat flaps.

While most cats would rather not get into serious fights, you might see some chasing, hissing, or yowling. Some cats will fight if they think they have no other choice, so it’s crucial to get assistance if this happens because cat bites and scratches can be dangerous.

Learning Your Cat’s Attitudes

Because cats are creatures of habit and routine, any disruption—including the introduction of a new cat—will initially be met with skepticism. However, a number of different factors determine whether or not your cat can tolerate another feline.

Is your cat fixed? Spayed or neutered cats have lower levels of hormones, particularly the hormones that make them more territorial. A fixed cat is more likely to tolerate another (fixed) cat than an intact cat.

Younger cats are much more likely to be accepting of a new cat, especially if that other cat is also young. How old is your cat? An older cat who sleeps most of the day is probably not going to enjoy a kitten that is always trying to play and going bonkers.

Are the cats related? If so, they will tolerate each other much better if they come from the same family.

Generally speaking, it’s preferable to adopt a second cat from the same litter or from a niece or nephew as opposed to a cat from a different lineage. Speak with a rescue that houses multiple adults in one foster home as a fantastic substitute. They will already to be acclimated to one another.

Is your feline companion highly attached to you? If your pet is a needy or clingy cat and finds it difficult to go more than an hour without coming to you for cuddles, they might be resentful of another cat stealing your love and attention.

Similarly, getting a new cat might not help if your current one exhibits separation or situational anxiety, but if they bond, it might be very beneficial. ).

However, observing your cat’s behavior toward other cats in the neighborhood is one of the best indicators. Does your cat react curiously to stray cats or neighborhood outdoor cats that approach too closely, or does it puff up and hiss or yowl?

If your cat is an outdoor cat as well, do they fight? The more aggressive and defensive your cat is, the less likely it is that they will put up with the adoption of a new cat.


Is a cat happier with another cat?

Cats are family-oriented and usually live with their relatives. Cats will sleep together, share common feeding areas, and groom one another within family groups. For this reason, cats often do well adopted in pairs.

Do cats live with other cats?

Cats often prefer to live alone, so think very carefully before getting another one. Most cats will be friendly with cats they grew up with, but they may not accept having to share your home with a new cat. If you do want to get another cat, you’ll need to introduce them patiently and carefully.

Do cats get lonely without another cat?

Because of the attachments they form, the answer is yes; cats can feel lonely! While each kitty has a unique personality and needs, the following signs could indicate a lonely cat: Destructive behavior. Loss or increase in appetite.

Is it OK to only have one cat?

If you are just looking to get one cat, your future feline pet will not be severely deprived if you do not get another with it. A cat can live a happy life as the only cat in the house. At the same time, cats are more social than we may have at one time believed.