do cats like moth balls

Yes, moth balls have been known to repel cats from being near certain areas where the smell of the mothballs is most prominent. If you are desperate to keep cats away from your home or areas in your yard, many people will try the old-school method of placing moth balls in those areas to keep cats away.

Just Say No to Mothballs

Typically, toxins like naphthalene or paradi-chlorobenzene are used to make mothballs; these fumes kill moths and their larvae. Unfortunately, both people and pets find these fumes to be highly unpleasant and toxic. Although some websites might advise scattering mothballs around your garden to deter cats, the poisonous vapors they release will probably deter people from visiting your garden as well. Even worse, the Pet Poison Helpline warns that if an inquisitive cat eats a mothball despite the smell, it may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, kidney damage, tremors, seizures, or even die. Additionally, children who eat mothballs run the risk of dying from them, according to the National Pesticide Information Center.

do cats like moth balls

do cats like moth balls

do cats like moth balls

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To keep cats out of your garden, fence off the area rather than using toxic mothballs. Additionally, to deter cats from visiting your plants without harming them, scatter coffee grounds, tea leaves, or orange peels around the plants. These materials have an unpleasant scent. The Alley Cat Allies website suggests installing a motion-activated sprinkler as an additional option to deter cats with a harmless water squirt.

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Cats cannot be taught to respect people’s personal property, but some plants and herbs, as well as electronic deterrents, can safely keep them away from prohibited areas. Despite their ability to deter cats, mothballs are poisonous to birds, other animals, and cats.

Mothballs, mothball flakes, and mothball cakes are all made of paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene. While paradichlorobenzene is not as harmful as naphthalene, cats may still experience severe side effects from it.

It is not safe for cats to even place mothballs or mothball flakes in a coffee can with holes drilled in the lid. The fumes can be just as toxic to breathe in as they are to eat.

Cats who consume or inhale naphthalene may experience liver, kidney, and blood cell damage, as well as brain swelling, coma, and even death.

Cats exposed to naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene may experience weakness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, appetite loss, behavioral abnormalities, and seizures.


Will mothballs keep cats out of my yard?

Dangerous Deterrents Placing mothballs around plants, an old method of keeping cats and rabbits at bay, might be effective, but they are toxic to humans and animals and should never be used in the garden.

Is the smell of mothballs harmful to cats?

Be careful though if you are using mothballs with cats in the house. Many mothballs and flakes contain naphthalene which is dangerous to cats. A little sniff or lick might cause mild self-limiting signs such as nausea, vomiting and respiratory irritation. However, ingestion may lead to severe poisoning.

What smell do cats hate?

As a general rule, cats are sensitive when it comes to smells, but there are a few scents they hate that might just surprise you. They can’t stand citrus and as much as you might love the smell of fresh herbs, cats hate rosemary and thyme. Banana and mustard are a big no-no too, as well as lavender and eucalyptus.

What kind of animals do mothballs keep away?

4. Mothballs sometimes are used illegally to repel pests not listed on labels. Some of these “off-label pests” include: squirrels, skunks, deer, mice, rats, and snakes, among others animals. Use mothballs pesticide products to control the pests listed on the label only!